how long will the tap root live???? needs answers asap!!

beaves IOW

Active Member
My northern lights autos have been through germination and 7 have full tap roots, 1 is half way there and the 2 others have nearly cracked their question is will they live til I can get to my grow room in 12 hours time???? Should I make my way there immediately????? Please help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The sooner the better they die from lack of oxygen, too much light, to much water, to little water, too to, too cold.. All things that can be fixed by putting them in dirt... Get those plugs from the garden store

beaves IOW

Active Member
So you think I should pull my finger out n plant them? Was hoping I'd have until the morning to do it but if nature calls....guess il have to travel n get on with it!


Well-Known Member
As long as it stays moist you should actually have a few days, but then you run the risk of a taproot growing through the paper towel(if that is your germ method?). Also Autos really do not like to be transplanted so you could stunt their growth by waiting to plant them. I like to plant my auto beans directly in the soil for the biggest yielding plants. I just found some jiffy pots for starts that are supposed to dissolve after you plant them in dirt I'm running a side by side test to see if they bound the roots at all.


Well-Known Member
if the tap root does get stuck in the paper towel just cut around it or tear the section out it stuck to and plant it it will still grow its just a paper towel