How long will it take for my plant to express its sex?? CFL grow + first timer


Hi everybody. So I have a plant (it's my first grow) and I was just curious when it will begin to show its sex. I got the seed from a bag of some dank bud and threw the seed in a 16oz solo cup with some outdoor soil on 2/5/14. Soon after, I transplanted it into another solo cup with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and grew in this until 3/8/14. Now it is in a 1 gallon pot with Fox Farm OF. It has been on 12/12 from seed and only had one 26w 2700k CFL for the first few weeks until I got 5 26w CFL (four 5000k and one 2700k). It looks to be a very healthy plant but just no signs of sex yet. I was seeing if anybody had some input into when it will begin to show?? It's mostly a fun/experimental grow so not really putting money into it. Let me know everyone! I have some pics that I will attach below so you can see.

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Cereal box

Active Member
Typically, for me, male shows sex about 3 weeks after sprouting. Females seem to take about 4-5 weeks after sprouting to show sex. I do all 12/12 from seed.


Thanks guys. Ya, mine is at about 40 days now so I guess we will see! I will def post pics if it ends up being a lady! It has been growing noticeably more ever since I transplanted and looks really healthy. I just hope my inner nodes start to stretch out!


Well-Known Member
Heeeeelll yeah.. Hope you get a female..

Under 20/4 from seed I would see the earliest around 5-6 weeks and the latest around 8-9 wks..

Occasionally I would have a plant that beyond 9 wks either would not put out preflowers or had preflowers that just did not show enough to really be sure yet. That was rare though.

I have found the "clues" like being tall (male), short (female) showing early (male), showing late (female) to not be true.. I saw fairly equal numbers of male and females from all different heights and preflower appearance times..


I do too! But I'm sure it's still early considering my conditions and lights (CFL). I'm just antsy haha. The plant looks very healthy though from what I can see and from other plants I've seen online. Very deep green on all leaves minus the original 2 true leaves at the very bottom which are starting to turn yellow.

Where do the first pre-flowers usually occur though?