How long veg time?

Hi im planing on 5 plants in my 4x4 tent 600watt
the plan is to use 6 gallon buckets,how mutch veg time would you give them?
or is 6 gallon to much?can i get away with smaller pots and still get a descent yield with only 5 plants?



Well-Known Member
Thts fine just do a 6-8 week vegg and some Fim on em.I start in 3g smart pots for the vegg then Transplant to 5g for flower like me some fresh soil for the flowering.


Active Member
veg them until they get about 2 ft high. then switch to flower so how ever long it takes to reach 2 ft tall is how long you want to veg them. Happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:


Well-Known Member
My general rule is veg until the room is a little over 1/3 full, then I flower them. Once you know your strain, it becomes easier to time it.


Rebel From The North
Three weeks tops for 5 plants in a 4x4 area with a 600.
better to have smaller more developed plants than having
larger ones with a ton of smack to make hash with.


Well-Known Member
Hi im planing on 5 plants in my 4x4 tent 600watt
the plan is to use 6 gallon buckets,how mutch veg time would you give them?
or is 6 gallon to much?can i get away with smaller pots and still get a descent yield with only 5 plants?

Probably 5 gallon ones is good enough.. I use the cheap buckets from home depot 5 G.

I also used a 4x4 tent..600 W hps.. I either did buckets.. or tubs SCROG style. I DO prefer the buckets.. and i think 5 is perfect.

Hahaha.. funny thing is.. I think this is exactly what I will do next. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
BTW i did 24 plants SCROG style in tubs.. and when I do plants in the 5 G buckets its yield is about same if not more than each of my 6 slot rubbermaid tubs... Just sayin..

I wish i was outdoors in cali.. so i didn't have a tent ceiling where my light hangs down and I have nomore than really 6 ft of height.. no haze for me.


Active Member
The problem with small tents is air circulation. If you put 5 plants in there vegged for even 4 weeks under 600hps ya gonna be rammed. With space being a premium it is very difficult to get any fans etc in there. I would go for a 3 plants SCROG this gives ya plenty of working space below the scrog after everything is lollipopped and cut back. Chuck em in 7-8 gallon buckets and get scrogging. IMHO