How long until this clone has a big enough root system to support itself. Pics


Well-Known Member
It's been about 10 days since i cut it and it has started putting out roots. It's been in soil.

How long until i can feed? i don't know how long the roots will be in a few days now that i can't really take
it out of the soil anymore.

Clone stem.jpgClone.jpg

mother. flower week 1:

Day 6 of flower.jpg
First of all you don't want to remove the clone from the medium (soil for you) while the roots are developing. Roots are light sensative and don't like to be removed from their home while roots are developing. You are looking at another 1-2 weeks before that clone drops enough roots, provided you STOP taking it out of the dirt. If you are gonna feed, make it gentle as fuck.

I put my clones in 2 inch square pots, then transplant when I see visable white roots at the bottom in the drain holes.
u can feed almost as soon as there rooted just take it easy to start with, and if its in soil leave it be, dont keep pulling it out to check for roots cause you will just keep shocking it. put it in a small party type cup or small plug that way you will see the roots come to the edges rather than keep pulling it out and risk damaging it
Yea dude your setting it back by pulling it out like that. Just let it grow into the base soil for a week or two to develop the root system don't feed the clone it's to soon.That's hardly a root system yet.
First of all you don't want to remove the clone from the medium (soil for you) while the roots are developing. Roots are light sensative and don't like to be removed from their home while roots are developing. You are looking at another 1-2 weeks before that clone drops enough roots, provided you STOP taking it out of the dirt. If you are gonna feed, make it gentle as fuck.

I put my clones in 2 inch square pots, then transplant when I see visible white roots at the bottom in the drain holes.

Like i said, i stop pulling it out once i see roots. I don't pull it, i just spend 10 minutes brushing off the soil to check for roots. I won't completely remove the second one from the soil though.

This is the first and last time these roots will see the light of day.
Like i said, i stop pulling it out once i see roots. I don't pull it, i just spend 10 minutes brushing off the soil to check for roots.

This is the first and last time these roots will see the light of day.

In the future, I don't recommend pulling it out of dirt like that at all. Don't ever brush soil off the roots to "look" at them. The roots are very sensative and would rather be left alone and not touched.

As soon as you can tell the clone has multiple strong roots, and is drinking the water you give it quickly, you can start feeding nutrients.
If you really want to been top of it plant your clones in a clear party cup then have another colored cup or a clear cup wrapped in electrical tape to keep out light cover the clear cup. You'll be able to check the root system without hurting the clone by picking up the clear cup inside the dark cup to see what the soil and roots look like. That's ur best bet.
Use a razor blade or knife to cut small shavings on the sides of the lower part of the stem to aid root production. Some people split the bottom of the stem too, just a half inch or so. Try it on your next clones. There's examples somewhere around here.

I'm no expert, I'd verify it, but making small cuts on the sides works for my clones and I've had 99% success rate every time I clone for the last 4 years. Rooting hormone is good to use too.
Use a razor blade or knife to cut small shavings on the sides of the lower part of the stem to aid root production. Some people split the bottom of the stem too, just a half inch or so. Try it on your next clones. There's examples somewhere around here.

I'm no expert, I'd verify it, but making small cuts on the sides works for my clones and I've had 99% success rate every time I clone for the last 4 years. Rooting hormone is good to use too.

That's what i did with this clone and another one i have. Both have nice root growth and both have a couple new leaves coming through. I gave it a feed a few days ago
as the plant was using nutes from the leaves as you can see. I noticed a 1 1/2" root at the side of the pot when i was digging my finger in to
check how dry the soil was.
