How long until male pollinates?


How long does it take after you start the 12/12 cycle until a male will polinate the females? I'm worried that once I start the flowering cycle I won't be able to tell their sex until it's too late and the male has already polinated the female (that is IF I get a male or a female for that matter). I'm paranoid.


how many are you growing? and normaly with in a week and a half you will be able to tell the sex, so just look at them everyday for little balls. you shuold be fine its normaly not tell the male is done flowering that it pollinates


Active Member
how many are you growing? and normaly with in a week and a half you will be able to tell the sex, so just look at them everyday for little balls. you shuold be fine its normaly not tell the male is done flowering that it pollinates
Your in no danger until the male opens its pollen sack and it fans out.


Active Member
So you answered your own question.
Actually, you should be worried once they start to open, not once they are fully open.


Sweet, just the type of answers I was looking for. I was pissing myself thinking that the female could be pollinated within a day of showing their sex. Wheh... now I can rest easy. Thanks so much guys.