How long until i use my lights.


Well-Known Member
ive got two seed that have cracked open four yet to do so, but should i wait until they have sprouted and grow their first set of leaves before i shower them with light, i mean does it take a long time for them to come out of the soil, i just pushed down about and inch of soil put the seedlings in and put some soil over the top.


Active Member
I aint no expert or anything, but I believe lights can/should be applied from the moment of plantation.


Well-Known Member
sorry brain dont work lack of weed havent had non all night anyways same as that one guy u dont need ligfht till it pops out
once u see the little sprout turn lights on
Nah mate, put light on before seed pops through, in nature a seed would grow from under the ground to the light, so if thats the way nature does it, thats gotta be the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Nah mate, put light on before seed pops through, in nature a seed would grow from under the ground to the light, so if thats the way nature does it, thats gotta be the way to go.
Im sure that this wouldn't hurt anything. There are lots of conditions that I apply to my plants which are well known as ideal conditions that defy nature.
-24 hrs of darkness before flowering
-complete darkness in light-off period

I understand what your saying and it makes sense, but at this point in the seeds life it will grow out of the ground with no light at all.


Well-Known Member
Cant remember posting that! I put my light on once they break the soil. I use a 600 so you will be fine with a 400. Even under ground a plant knows which way is up, so will grow regardless, light on or off.