how long until I should harvest???


Well-Known Member
Stop double posting your threads. There were multiple replies on the last one, you've already gotten the answers you need.
Josh peace of advice to get people to answer your post. Post losts of pics with IMG codes so the pics show right when people open your Thread, most ppl don't like to click of on ever thumb and load every pics to see whats going on with your.

post lots of info about if you're having problems, stuff like about what kind of light's you got and what you feed and how much u feed, even tho most of the stuff has nothing to-do with your question.
it's just that people like to read and feel connected some how with your post, that makes them give more info to your question.. im just telling you bc I saw u post your same thread in my post, probably bc you weren't getting any answers to your question, for lack. Of pics that are directly on your thread and not a nuff info to answer your question properly.

That's what I do and it work's.
I'm growing outdoors.. and I use floragro, florabloom, and floramicro.. I feed as directed.. I also started giving it molasses @ 1tsp for every gallon