How long to veg??

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Hey guys im planning on doing a Large outdoor grow for the upcoming season (october because im in Australia)
i want to get about 30 plants or as close as i can get to it without having to by all the seeds or clones, cause it can get pretty expensive
So my plan is to just get a couple of fems and veg them inside to get them big enough and then rape them for clones
My living situation is such that i cant convert a room or cupboard for this clone room, the only space where i can stealth is a gap behind my draws
in my desk (desk is longer than the draws, hence the space) but it is only 22x40x65 cm. yes i know that this is a very small space to grow in but its all i have
I would be using as many cfl's as i could fit in the space and letting the two or three plants grow until they fill the space and then use every single available branch for clones, there wont be enough room for the clones to do much growing so i will just let them root then transfer them outside

so my questions are, how long ahead will i have to start the mothers to be able to grow then clone off them and then root the clones to be ready to plant
and for something this small scale can i get away with only the lights and reflective material or will i need something else (i'll be using a homemade c02 generator because i can't mount fans or ventilation)


Well-Known Member
You want some nice big fan leaves (take the clones from the bottom leaves) before you start cloning usually, but I think you could do pretty well with almost any size leaf, as long as its not too tiny or anything. :)
Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
I doubt you are going to have anything cloneable in thattime with the small amount of light you could fit in that space without frying things.