How long to leave the lights on

my seeds are up and very happy. What schedule should I put them on to begin with and how long do I leave it on that schedule before switching to a flowering time of 12/12?

peace and love to all


New Member
I always leave the light on 24/7 when they are in the vegetative stage.. and it depends on how TALL your grow space is.. plants stretch a little over twice the size once you start 12/12.. so if your plants 2ft tall when you switch to 12/12 it will be about 4.5ft tall when its done flowering... how big is your grow area??

Noob grower1

Active Member
I'm a 18/6 guy, helps root growth and saves a lol on bill, haven't knowticed no change, n that n like cobra said switch to 12/12 when u reached ur height I heard plants tripling on height when flowerd, sure a lot of it depends on strain tho..
It's just a closet, enough space for two plants. Before my recent purchase of quality seeds, all I had for seeds was mex. dirt weed. They produced sturdy seedlings and lousy smoke. My new babies seem so fragile in comparison, making sure this time to do it right from the seeds to soil and light.
thanks for your input...


Well-Known Member
I'd leave it on a 18/6 light schedule for around 6 weeks but hey, that's just me! Everyone has their own opinions on that. If space is an issue you might want to end the veg phase a bit sooner


New Member
i wouldnt use 24/0 on regular seeds, itll make them more prone to turn male. 20/4 or 18/6 for a month or so, depending on how big you want the plant.

the plant will normally almost double its size in good conditions when you flip to flower or 12/12

Noob grower1

Active Member
Glad u can question when using respect :D it's like to me, yeh 24/7 they need a break to plus when there's no light roots stay active but the plant ain't stretching for light, basically ur plants are still maturing but being far anuf away from 12/12 they don't trip into flowering phase, n look at a lot of outdoor growers with huge yields. Think they got 24/7...? Idk I was then I switched when I was givin my clones from a very good grower that does it a lot bigger than 99.9 percent more than us on these forums. But the n again, it's really up to the preference of the grower, the fight will never end...


New Member
ima go change my timer! Lol jk
lmao noob do you honestly believe everything you read?? you will not find anybody else on this forum that believes that garbage about 24/7 causing males... that book was written A LONG TIME AGO and its just his opinion... he has nothing to back that statement up. 99% real growers know that statement about M or F ratio being caused by the light period is not true. Its been discussed before..

a few facts for you noob

Hours of light and kelvin temperatures of lights have nothing to do with the sex of a plant. Chromosomes are responsible for determining sex. Otherwise you wouldn't have feminized seeds.

XX - female
XY - male

n look at a lot of outdoor growers with huge yields. Think they got 24/7...?
somebody else said it best so I will quote them "O and for the poster about no 24 hr of light in the world is false...alaska has places that get 6months light straight. Dont replicate mother nature...improve it! If you wanted it to be just like mother nature intended it then no nutes...use only dirt, let it get watered by only rain and of course let it get nice and seedy just like mother nature intended...."