how long to leave plant in starter 16oz dixie cup? +rep


Well-Known Member
How long would u leave the plant in its first little "pot" , I have it in a 16oz or 532ml dixie cup, one of those beer cups. How long should I wait before transplanting it into my 1.5gallon pot?


Well-Known Member
mine made it about 2 weeks in 20 oz. its usually pletty easy to free them from a dixie cup. just take a peak at the roots and if they look to be filling out well then youre good to transplant.


Well-Known Member
2-3 nodes or 4-6 inches. depends on the strain too I guess. some will adapt better. if you had a bunch going you would be able to tell after doing the first one if the roots had won over the bottom of the cup and whether or not to do more.

if you transplant a handful and you leave one or two in the cups you'll start to be able to gauge when the optimal time is as you'll notice the others take off while the one in the smaller cup/pot grows slower/miniature.

but it sounds like you just have one going. my advice is probably not very helpful. lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the +rep.

I sometimes use this method to keep some plants smaller, waiting in the wings so to say, until space opens up for them, than they'll get transplanted and the party gets started.


Well-Known Member
On top of your question about the small cups...What if you were to just plain leave the plant in a small cup, would it just plain make it small with less buds or would it die after awhile??

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
How long would u leave the plant in its first little "pot" , I have it in a 16oz or 532ml dixie cup, one of those beer cups. How long should I wait before transplanting it into my 1.5gallon pot?
I can't get away with more than 10 days, but I'd say 2 weeks tops. You can also make a small cut down the side towards the bottom of the cup to check for roots if you are nervous about checking in a more conventional manner.

If you want to use growth as an indicator, there are a few ways. If you see 2-3 nodes of new growth, or 4-6 inches of new growth, the roots have probably grown out enough. Also, if you water, and the cup is dry after 48 hours, then it should also be ready to replant....or your room is way to hot lol.

On top of your question about the small cups...What if you were to just plain leave the plant in a small cup, would it just plain make it small with less buds or would it die after awhile??
Some people start clones right off in 12/12 and flower them in party cups the entire grow in a SOG set-up. I would think you would have to water everyday, and it's probably not ideal. But it can totally be done.

And no, as long as the plant is still well taken care of it won't cause the plant to die, lose potency, or decrease yield (as long as you're experienced with SOG).

Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
party cup grow, the average max is about half oz when you know what you are doing. .. my first attempt I did 5grams, .. will be trying it out again sometime just for fun but yeah you can grow it all in the 16 oz. Some people grow pretty nice plants starting from big clones.


Well-Known Member
Start mine in jiffy pellets. When they sprout I put the pellets into Dixie cups with my coco and let the seedling grow into the cup for two weeks. Usually I have a ziplock bag over the cup for a few days until the 3rd leaves sprout. Then I take off the bag and let them root in the cup for 2 weeks. From there the go into the big pots for veg. I veg them for two more weeks. By then they are about 8-10in high. Then I flip to 12/12. For me I never get root bound and my plants stay at a height where I can super crop and get a nice even canopy maximizing my end yield. I can get .5 gpw without hydro or co2 so I'm happy with that result!

Good luck