How long to go?


I have two hydro Dutch Passion Blueberry plants. I think they're close, they smell great. When the majority of buds had red hairs, my friend told me to flush it. I've kept it at 500ppm for two weeks now. The leaves have barely started to noticeably lighten which he said is another sign of maturity. Sorry I don't have a microscope for trics. I've looked for a last big swelling but haven't noticed it. Should I wait much longer?



Well-Known Member
i would estimate another 3 or 4 weeks for sure. Microscopes are extremely cheap.(magnifying glasses/jewelers loupes will work if you have no choice, 30x strength is the smallest i would get.) you have spent all this time and energy to grow a nice and healthy plant so why risk all that by not buying something that will probably cost you under $10?


Well-Known Member
Started 12/12 Oct 30
that means if they are indica they are WAAAy done and if they are sativa they are done. Obviously each strain is different, but if its been since oct 30th they are done and have been most likely. Only way to know for sure is look under a microscope but if u arent doing that, then ur are good to chop. And if you are. they are probably done by now anyways.


i would estimate another 3 or 4 weeks for sure. Microscopes are extremely cheap.(magnifying glasses/jewelers loupes will work if you have no choice, 30x strength is the smallest i would get.) you have spent all this time and energy to grow a nice and healthy plant so why risk all that by not buying something that will probably cost you under $10?
I think I can borrow a bud microscope from a friend, but until what's hanging dries I'm food stamp no gas to go out count spare change broke. All the more reason not to lose weight with an early harvest though!


Active Member
Also my buddy says it should have turned purple as her sisters did at his house.
everyone's environment/setup is different,same plant diff growers,it doesnt always come out the same....8-10 weeks is the usual time frame,if you wait too long your thc will degrade


This is my first grow so a few things could be improved. Could that have added a month of flowering? I had a few pH spikes and temp fluctuations but I think I'm dialed in now.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow so a few things could be improved. Could that have added a month of flowering? I had a few pH spikes and temp fluctuations but I think I'm dialed in now.
Those things will affect the quality of the buds, not the time it takes for them to flower. I mean it might slow them by like a few days, but not more then that.


I tried two magnifying glasses with each other. My best guess is they're turning milky but I don't see any amber anywhere. The calyxes look slightly more swollen (maybe?) and a few have lavender hues on the very top. I still can't figure out why my crop is taking so long.


Well-Known Member
I tried two magnifying glasses with each other. My best guess is they're turning milky but I don't see any amber anywhere. The calyxes look slightly more swollen (maybe?) and a few have lavender hues on the very top. I still can't figure out why my crop is taking so long.
I'm guessing you missed ideal harvest time. I mean some strains take a while but if there is no amber anywhere after over 12 weeks, they probably turned and are now degenerating from age. I don't know for sure because I've never taken plants beyond 12 weeks but look into it. You might want to chop very very soon or risk losing your harvest all together.


Well-Known Member
that plant isnt done from looking so i wouldnt worry about it being overdone. stress can prolong flowering, although it shouldnt be this much longer. oh well, it is what it is. wait till its done, chop it, and start the next grow.


Well-Known Member
A good 3 weeks from thoose pics ignore the people saying you missed harvest those plants are not done yet
Hello fellow farmer, don't listen to people saying you missed harvest like what ^jonnyquest said. The fact is that you're looking for about 60% milky 40% amber.. somewhere in that region. If most are milky, none are amber, and some are still clear.. you haven't missed your peak harvest. When you miss your peak harvest the trichomes start to turn past amber which will be a brown, burnt, shrinking color.. like the witch is Wizard of Oz. There are afghani and thai strains that take up to 4 months to flower, this isn't abnormal. Just keep checkin in on them trichomes and like I said look for 40%-60% amber trich's and the rest milky.

Good Growing-Chronosaurus