How long to get license back from health Canada?

some shills use "sock puppetry", where they sign on as one user soliciting recommendations for a specific product or service. They then sign on as a different user pretending to be a satisfied customer of a specific company.
"Ahemait, post:

13267787, member: 954377"]Lulz welcome to any canada thread where you don't vociferously denounce LP's.


If the 8 week estimates are correct mine should arrive in the next 7 days.[/QUOTE]

>Do NOT hold your breath on that dude
Lulz welcome to any canada thread where you don't vociferously denounce LP's.

If the 8 week estimates are correct mine should arrive in the next 7 days.

There are delays due to the holidays and the general laziness that occurs around them, they lead me to believe that I should be expecting it at around 10 weeks when I last spoke to them (although they refuse to give a true time frame).
Mine went in November 17 I think. I'm on week 7 in any event. I can chill for another two or three, no sweat!
Have some LA Affie and LA Confidential to keep me going a month if I stretch it.
Don't think I'll be able to afford too much past that, it's going to get pretty tight here right away for me.
Warned for what?

Soft fluffy Kate.
kate should be warned for lying as to the words of my deleted posts
I NEVER used the word cunt and NEVER used the word skank
i invite the mods to review this and explain how another member can outright lie as to what someone elses posts that was deleted said,
that being said i do apologize for my metaphor but since that post was deleted i see no point in soft fluffy kate dredging up something that got censored? otherwise lets see a wuote of aany post where i said the word cunt or skank they DONT exist soft fluffy kate so i would not recommend you smoke cannabis as it may contribute to your faulty memory
Mine went in November 17 I think. I'm on week 7 in any event. I can chill for another two or three, no sweat!
Have some LA Affie and LA Confidential to keep me going a month if I stretch it.
Don't think I'll be able to afford too much past that, it's going to get pretty tight here right away for me.
What's wrong...can't afford to buy your meds from LPs? Wow....I'm shocked
Mine went in November 17 I think. I'm on week 7 in any event. I can chill for another two or three, no sweat!
Have some LA Affie and LA Confidential to keep me going a month if I stretch it.
Don't think I'll be able to afford too much past that, it's going to get pretty tight here right away for me.
Cash in some of your LP'll be like free meds!
kate should be warned for lying as to the words of my deleted posts
I NEVER used the word cunt and NEVER used the word skank
i invite the mods to review this and explain how another member can outright lie as to what someone elses posts that was deleted said,
that being said i do apologize for my metaphor but since that post was deleted i see no point in soft fluffy kate dredging up something that got censored? otherwise lets see a wuote of aany post where i said the word cunt or skank they DONT exist soft fluffy kate so i would not recommend you smoke cannabis as it may contribute to your faulty memory

By all means refresh my memory on what you wrote in the post that was deleted for being offensive. I guess your "metaphor" referring to female gonads wasn't an attack on me? Explain why it was deleted if it wasn't filled with derogatory and obscene language attacking me. Do you deny the post?

I consider myself a smart lady. Smart enough to know when enough is enough. I simply came here looking to educate myself. It's crystal clear most of you have no compassion and would rather attack and ridicule than help. It's a travesty that someone would reach out for help to a cannabis patient community and be chased away. Have fun in your little circle jerk.

think of those stocks.... as coupon's for more of the same.....after all you deserve it....LP weed that is....
matter of fact your the first pro LP recommendation I am gonna make...
You should buy as much... as your up coming HC licence will allow....
and more if you can talk them into it....which may also be likely....