How long to flower


Well-Known Member

I bought a packet of mixed seeds all feminized and am curently growing one plant under a big red spectrum cfl. im 5 weeks into flower but am unsure when to harvest..I think its all most certainley indica but wondered is the standard flowreing time 60 days for indica i have a microscope but its hard to tell?

Is 60 days what i should aim 4?


Well-Known Member
well in general indica heavy strains take between 8-11 weeks some less some bit more as always in nature. the best way to determine if a bud is ready to harvest is the color of the trichomes. personally i harvest them if the turned mostly from clear to milky since then the THC is the highest. when they start to turn re dish brown the THC is reduced already thru a oxidation process and the smoke gets kind of mental. just check the forum for trichome color, there are several threads with pictures to the topic;)