How long to continue LST/Supercropping? And what age to clean up bottom canopy?

I bought the cheapest one, seems to work just fine.. I still lift the pots then use the meter.. You get a feel for it!
Yeah the ones with the ph and light meter don't work so well.. My soil is close to yours and it stays a little wetter than I like but my plants are still small.. I think it will work out in the end..
Thanks Dan. I checked out some sites and just ended up going with the Dr Meter on. Simplest one. Came in a 2 pack for 16 bucks!

Next run there’s going to be SO much more perlite in my pots lol. My first run you could barely see the coco there was so much perlite and watering was a cake walk. I honestly feel like an ass now because it just took SO much water to get a tiny bit of runoff… the peat coco mix stays a very dark color but deep down it was pretty fluffy so yeah this ones on me for sure haha. The first 2-3in are amendments and EWC etc so it doesn’t really get very dry it holds the moisture pretty well. Thanks again!
That top layer with all the amendments needs to be tilled up so the water can evaporate from the soil...
I had that problem also.. I use an old chopstick..
The moon influences root/shoot growth through its cycles. Think - it can move trillions of gallons of water across the earth (tides)

So it has nae bor manipulating plants which are primarily water and you as well lol

From what I read when the moon is at its lowest it’s draws the roots down, when it’s at its highest point it pulls the water up the plants stems

How much of a difference it makes fuck knows - maybe a few percent? Would have to experiment.

I would ask a werewolf……