How long till they sprout up?


Active Member
I planted my seeds yesterday and they both had a little bit of a tail on them and now I have them sitting under a 40w cfl in some light warrior soil in 1cubic inch pots, how long should it be before they spring up?


Well-Known Member
They should appear in 4 days or so, maybe more, maybe less thiough. Ur light, is it 40 ACTUAL watts, or 40 REPLACEMENT watts?


Well-Known Member
Okay, first thing ur gonna wanna do, is maybe check out the faq or do some searchin on cfl's. Soft whites are normally used for flowering, DAYLIGHT cfl's is what u want. Look at the bulb itself, it should tell u what t5he color temp is, or kelvin.... for ur purposes(vegging), u want 6,500k bulbs. Note that I said 'bulb(s)' u can't do it with just one ya know? But one will get u sprouted, if need be, u can add extras down the road-but not far....


Active Member
this is only temporary as they will have a proper growing environment in a few days, I am a total noob and am really scared im guna fuck this up. thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
make sure u dont bury that seed too deep in ur soil either
only put it in like a 1/4 inch under the soil
i do it like this and it sprout like a couple days and some time i have gotten them to sprout in 1 day :0)


Well-Known Member
mine took only 1 day :weed:

but the most ive heard was about a week and a half

After a week and a half i probly woulda said feck it and try again, LOL> I've had them take 5 days to even crack a little, but once they start crackin they seem to go a lot quicker. Anyone let ur seeds soak over night in dist. water before germin? Its supposed to soften up the tougher shells so they crack faster, never tried it though. I've noticed the seeds i ordered were hard as a rock, and took 5 days for just one to crack, but it DID. JUst gotta have the patience brotha, all the way til the end.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I always germ them in wet paper towels on a covered plate sitting on top of my cable box. They normally crack and tap within 48 hours. Once in the growing medium they are out and in search of mr sunshine withen 48 hours. After that I start to get worried but most pop through the soil in the 1st 24-48 hours.


Well-Known Member
ive tryed a bunch of ways to germ even in the cup of water
every way worked for me but the quickest is in toilet paper
i even threw some seeds in soil and they sprouted quick too and i didnt even germ them before hand they germned in the soil and poped out


Well-Known Member
my question is what kind of toilet paper because i like the ones with bears they are really soft and are nice on the but hole or should i use the mid grade stuff which is cheap but leaves my taint a little chaifed. jw thx (p.s. which brand will work the best?)


Well-Known Member
lol lmao funny dhit nolt
i would use any
the kind i have now is the taint little chaifed kind
but any would work


Well-Known Member
Watch out, we have an elite h4x0r on our hands. Grow up...
Back to the topic, there is really no set time for a sprout. But 2-5 days like everyone else said.
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