how long till harvest???


Active Member
how long do you think this plant has left and when should i start flushing? its an easy ryder (autoflowerer)



Active Member
yep its been flowering about that, this plant has had a hard life, was on the window ledge for a few weeks at the start and it was cold, then went into a pc case for a few weeks then i put it into a converted chest of drawers, it got transplanted late it flowering due to lack of space in the pc case (never use a pc they are far to small lol) i would say it was root bound cause the full pot was full of roots and it slid out in one big ball

Fisherman Pete

New Member
haha, sounds a little like how i like to treat my girls, show them who's boss!

at 6 weeks i'd definately say another 2. buy a jewelers loup or a similar 10-30x microscope and have a look at the trichomes. they will go from clear to cloudy to amber. cloudy gives you a head high, amber gives you a body high (that is a generalisation, it may effect it in a small way but it is mostly to do with the actual strain you are growing)

generally a safe bet to harvest when half cloudy half amber



Active Member
yeah i have a pocket microscope, got it from the hydro store, its a 60-100x, so do you think i should start flushing now? i made the mistake of transplanting it into soil that had nutes in it, think the nutes in it last 6 weeks so i have only been feeding it a small amount, do you think if a flush it good i will get the nutes out of the soil? i have a blue himaalay that is doing good, learned from my mistakes with this plant lol, heres a pick of the blue, its 5 weeks tomorow


*edit* i ment blue himalaya

Brick Top

New Member
looks to be lots and lots of pointy white hairs still, i'd say another week or two. how long has it already had, 6?

Someone cannot rely on pistil color all that heavily in regards to if a plant is fully 'ripe' and read to harvest. Some strains are well known for having white pistils when at their most potent. Mantanuska Tundra is one of them. With strains like that if you flower until you see pistils changing color you will miss your roughly 10 to 14 day or window of opportunity to harvest when most potent. (the 10 to 14 days is for indicas/predominantly indica strains ....... sativas have a longer window of opportunity) Many people still do wait until the pistils have darkened as they waited for amber trichomes to appear but that just costs them even more potency as THC oxidizes and turns into increased levels of CBN.