How long till harvest...


Well-Known Member
So this is a grow from a friend of mine and asked me how long and i figured i turn to my buddies here and ask theyre watcha think...this pic was taken about 3 weeks ago...strain is bagseed...:peace::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
another four weeks.....sounds good
Here are a few pics taken is the yellowish in the plant not good or is it normal...i'm guessing it needs more nutes but what you guys think?it also seems now like i have more than 4 weeks went 7 days with no light due to an emergency...could that be why?:confused:



Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:alright a little update...but a few problems...what you guys think.....alright 2 problems 1...the yellowing is that normal...2. some leaves the tips are getting crispy...also what you guys think how long till harvest....:mrgreen:
Nice pistil development, some turning color, but I don't see any calyx swelling. When they begin to swell the unpollinated pistils normally turn rust colored and move back into and on the calyx. When the calyx swell and the pistils are with the calyx (no longer standing out to welcome the pollen) I'd start looking at trichome status and not harvest until trichs were opaque (super cloudy) and buds solid (as in squeezing them between my fingers and feeling more resistance than give).


Well-Known Member
Nice pistil development, some turning color, but I don't see any calyx swelling. When they begin to swell the unpollinated pistils normally turn rust colored and move back into and on the calyx. When the calyx swell and the pistils are with the calyx (no longer standing out to welcome the pollen) I'd start looking at trichome status and not harvest until trichs were opaque (super cloudy) and buds solid (as in squeezing them between my fingers and feeling more resistance than give).
yep but if u dont have a microscope i would wait at least a week and a half if not more


Well-Known Member
i say maybe two more weeks maybe more.....its a sativa may be thats why the calyx's dont look to fat...but some are ......yeah i guess best bet is to check on the trich's to harvest...