How long till harvest you recon?


Hey guy's and girls. It's been 8weeks and 5 days since i turned my photoperiod to 12/12 from 18/6. a few pistils turned brown about 10-20%, but i don't have a magnifying glass to check out mi trichomes to see if theyre turning colour, so i'm keepin an eye on my pistils. How long you recon i have left before i can harvest? It's hindu kush strain. gonna be my first harvest so don't wanna harvest too early. second grow.

peace :joint:


Mr Bomb

Active Member
Its hard to tell from you pics. You really need to decide based on the trichomes changing to an amber color. If you go to any local jeweler an buy a jewelers loop it should only cost about twenty bucks and will give enough magnification (about 5x) to tell when its time to harvest. If you cannot afford that zoom you camera in and take a pic in macro mode and you should be able to see the trichomes that way.


I will try and get a close up pic of trich's. Just gonna turn my lens around and that should give a macro pic...


Active Member
In the last picture, some of the resin glands seem to be bending over slightly, usually a sign of maturity.


thanks for the replies okes! think i'm going to wait another week before i start to flush for another week!


Well-Known Member
Hindu Kush takes about 12 I dont think you can really get a good opinion from those pics. You need to get a 30x scope (minimum) and check the trics.

Your first set of pics shows ALOT of green left on this plant. You are either giving them too much "n" or they have another month to go.

I wouldnt start the flush for at least 2-3 weeks from now and continue with plain water for 10-14 days following the flush.


Well-Known Member
I have hindu kush growing right now. Flowering time is typical- 8-9 weeks. Mines is a little past week 6 so i flushed today. Def. make sure you get that minimum of x30 magnification, not 5x like someone mentioned earlier :roll:. Do a search on Ebay for jewel scales. There are some that are 10-15$ w/ free shipping. Great deals.

Good luck with your grow! :blsmoke::blsmoke:

Brick Top

New Member
Of the six different Hindu Kush strains I know of the flowering times runs from just under 7 weeks (48 days) to 10 weeks, most being in the 7 to 8 week timeframe.
For $12.09 you can purchase a 60-100x magnification illuminated mini-scope from Radio Shack. It is cheap and simple and will be more than what is needed to see your trichs clearly.



thanks for the advice! I'l be doing some magnifying glass hunting asap. got a jeweler around the corner from me.