how long til i should harvest. . . (pics)

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
i think the plants almost ready, but the hairs arent really turning orange, just some. also, the lower buds arent even close to ready, can i chop whats ready and keep the little ones going? or will the plant die once the top half of it is pretty much cut off?


tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
im just using cfl's. the 150 watt equivalents i think is what they are. its probably about a 2 gallon pot. i stopped giving it nutes, but was just using some miracle grow bloom bullshit from home depot. not sure what strain it is, i got the seed from a friend who got it from his friend who ordered some. . .


Active Member
I think you got a ways to go, how long have you been flowering (12/12)? You'll probably get some more weight by waiting another 2-4 weeks.


Active Member
U have done a very good job using cfl.S.
I think u should use bigger pots next time. I use 10liter pots and some say thats minimum to grow healthy plants from seed.
But....i think u done a great job with your limited setup. If u can wait 14 more days before harvest i think u will get awarded with some nice buds


Well-Known Member
Wait! In the final 2 weeks you get 20% of bud weight, so that is where u don't want to cut her short... Get a nice magnifying glass, and when the trichomes turn milky white to amber u can harvest. Amber will give you that couch high, and right when they turn milky will give you a more active high... That is the best way to tell, u can also wait until approximately 2/3 of the hairs turn red, but that way will bnot be as accurate.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know your moving on from that topic but if you cut some of the plant it will take more energy into helping the plant recover than producing buds... and thats where i stop myself as well, would much rather have yield than anything else... people say adding a tsp of molasses to a gallon of water works also makes the buds taste sweeter.. good luck i will be watchin your thread


Well-Known Member
AS others have mentioned go with the magnifying glass. Also if you know the strain see what it says and figure out how many days you have been flowering. Also take some buds at different times, a few this week, a few next week, all when you harvest. Take notes at what the trichomes looked like and then try the different buds when they are dry. If you clone you'll know exactly next time by the type of high you liked from the samples when to harvest. You also get to have fun seeing what the differences are from picking at other times.