How long til Harvest? *PICS* 1st grow


Active Member
i cant tell how long it should be til harvest their on week 4 so maybe 4 more weeks?



Active Member
its been impossible in texas this year, the heat had been 100 for over a month straight, everything is dead. my plants in a sea of brown. hence grasshopper


Well-Known Member
at the point ur at should notice every week the buds will get bigger ,my outdoor plants r a few weeks older than urs ,

everything looks great good luck and keep us posted


Well-Known Member
looking good miller ..... let em go at least 4 more weeks...
you should get a nice effin yield ....


Active Member
Fuggin nice man !!!!
What did you use? Mine is looking good "for a poor mans grow" but yours looks great, what did you use "lights, time, nutes"?


Active Member
i actually just used bagseed, some soil i found in my garage(lady bug?), some crape myrtle fert(8-55-7 5% daily first 3 weeks,now im usin 10%) and just started tryin this molasses thing. if i get a qp ill be happy