How long should i veg my AK48 and Big Bud?


Well-Known Member


I have 6 plants that consist of 3 x AK48 and 3 x Big Bud that are 4 weeks old now.They are all roughly 8 inches tall. The total height of my growroom is 43 inches. Please bear in mind that AK48 are a short height strain and Big Bud grows to a medium height. Do you think i should start flowering soon or wait a couple more weeks?
Any advice is good advice to a newbie!
Many Thanks :joint:


Well-Known Member
Dont know about the AK but i have been growing B-B and i put it into flower at 12in and its on day 17 now and at 2ft high and is still growing
add a pot to that as well and it makes its 3ft+ tall all together

so you could end up needing more head room.!!


Well-Known Member


I have 6 plants that consist of 3 x AK48 and 3 x Big Bud that are 4 weeks old now.They are all roughly 8 inches tall. The total height of my growroom is 43 inches. Please bear in mind that AK48 are a short height strain and Big Bud grows to a medium height. Do you think i should start flowering soon or wait a couple more weeks?
Any advice is good advice to a newbie!
Many Thanks :joint:
Ideally you should veg them for longer - older plants produce more cannabinols, and plants don't mature sexually until they're at least 8 weeks old.

However, you have a severe height restriction and have no choice really other than to put them into flower now.


Well-Known Member
i haven't tried Ak strains so far but i'm veg big bud at the moment. i plan to start flowering after about 8-10 weeks of vegging and topping it until it gets a huge bush, i'm in week 4 right now;)
i won't let it grow higher than a foot in veg since i'm limited to 3ft max or my buds get roasted by 400W...


Well-Known Member

I have 6 plants that consist of 3 x AK48 and 3 x Big Bud that are 4 weeks old now.They are all roughly 8 inches tall. The total height of my growroom is 43 inches. Please bear in mind that AK48 are a short height strain and Big Bud grows to a medium height. Do you think i should start flowering soon or wait a couple more weeks?
Any advice is good advice to a newbie!
Many Thanks :joint:
no, you should start topping and ting it down, and get those lamps down a bit, bet you use cfl's like me for veg. but my BB is still at 5-6" and i started topping them now so it stays small but gets bushy, lots of strong branches to grow big buds on and which can take the weight;)


Well-Known Member
I'm in the 5th week of veg now, should i really top them or let grow naturally? Also what do you mean by tying down? PLEASE REPLY!


Well-Known Member
no, you should top them and grow them bushy. in addition tie them down a bit. they have at least 3 weeks to go still before they are ready to flower for the best bud. so top, tie and be patient, it pays, especially with big bud;)


Active Member
I'm a new grower. I got these BB seeds online and one day I planted it in a cup of dirt i found in the backyard. I've been growing it just from the light in my bedroom window. Now it's in a big pot with miracle grow potting soil, and is slightly over 15 inches tall now. Its been maybe 2 months since it sprouted. Pretty soon I'll be getting a lighting system to turn a closet I have into a grow room since I now have two more seedlings.

My plant is doing so well just by leaving it by my bedroom window.

I can't tell if it has started growing flowers or not though. it has what appears to be new leaves growing out from where the leaf branches meet the stem. Would that be bud? I definitely don't see pollen sacks.


Well-Known Member

I have 6 plants that consist of 3 x AK48 and 3 x Big Bud that are 4 weeks old now.They are all roughly 8 inches tall. The total height of my growroom is 43 inches. Please bear in mind that AK48 are a short height strain and Big Bud grows to a medium height. Do you think i should start flowering soon or wait a couple more weeks?
Any advice is good advice to a newbie!
Many Thanks :joint:
all those get really tall flower asap


Active Member
i was wondering the same, how much do i need to veg, then some gentleman suggested i go LST. I tied the little bugger down, i just hope now i'm not growing a male.