How Long Left?


New Member
They look ready to me. Do you have one of the Radio Shack 10X scopes? If not, go get one. Take a look at the heads of the tricomes (crystals). If they are clear like diamonds, its too soon. If they are cloudy, its time for harvest. If they are all dark amber ... its too late. If you harvest when the tricomes are all clear, you will get more of an up, head high. The further you let them go, the more body stone you will get. Let them go too long ... and its couch-lock time.




Uses the Rollitup profile
That looks like a Northern Lights. And those trichomes are just starting to shine. When they look like sparkly diamonds, they are at the peak harvest time. Nice job with the picture.


Active Member
I Actually Don't know what it is. But I call it Fire Ass Nuggs cause it was damn good! It Smells Even better. I couldn't get any clones so I tried to cross the male with just a branch and see if I can get seeds we'll see. Thanks