How Long is too Long for Plants to Sit in Un-nuted Soil?


Active Member
I planted 9 plants and all are doing well,I used pre nuted soil that recommends waiting 30 days before adding other nutrition to it...problem is I never kept track of time like I should have...I don`t want to burn the plants by adding to early and don`t want them without nutrition while they are vegging.Also I am curious about pots....when I transplant these ladies should the larger pots have holes for drainage as well...might be a dumb question but I`m new....


Well-Known Member
You add nutrients when you see that your plants need them. I usually wait until the bottom leaves start to yellow. If you want to add nutrients early but still be extra safe, get a bag of worm castings. Start off using one-fourth the strength and work your way up.

As for pots, yes you want good drainage. Otherwise thr plant may develop root rot


I'm goin with Vin, I usually dont add nutes until my cotyledons (seed leaves) start drying up and then i make it a weak mixture and work my way up to the full recomended mixture and yes drainage is very very important and plus i use the drainage holes to check when i need to water by sticking my finger in it and checking how much moisture is at the bottom cause over watering is a mistake everyone makes early on


Active Member
Ya I actually had a problem with under watering because I kept reading it was the num. 1 mistake newbies make ha,they were actually handed off to me by a buddy who thought he bit more than he could chew so they were neglected and I am trying to get them back into shape.He had crappy incandescents to far away so there pretty long and the bottom leaves were dried and yellow when I got them.They look happy now tho,starting to bunch up and some leaves got colour back...thanx man..


Well-Known Member
If you dont have drainage holes you probably not need to water but once a week, if that.
If you don't have drainage holes, you dont have to worry about watering, because your roots will rot and your plant will die from sitting in a pot of mud.


Active Member
I`ll be sure to have holes in the bigger pots,thanx.Do you guys know when a good time to top your plants would be...