How long into flowering faze till trichs start to show?


Well-Known Member
So I have my first female beauty of a plant and its in about its 3d week of flower faze(flowered early not much room for height)I just wanna to know more or less when I should start to see the trichs appearing on ma plant?? sorry newbie question its ma first fem after all..

any help is much appreciated fellas!!


Well-Known Member
So I have my first female beauty of a plant and its in about its 3d week of flower faze(flowered early not much room for height)I just wanna to now more or less when I should start to see the trichs appearing on ma plant?? sorry newbie question its ma first fem after all..

any help is much appreciated fellas!!
Hey Tone, Im on my first show too, and my ladies started showing trichs a couple days ago. About 3 weeks into 12/12. What light do you have on your girl?


Well-Known Member
Its just one plant(bagseed) and Id have to say its about 6 weeks(42days give or take a couple days) at most...kinda lost track but definitely about 6weeks, shes growing at an alarming rate and is very tightly spaced, I wish I could take a cutting but there is no good spot to take it from


Well-Known Member
She is about 161/2 inches..only vegged 2 weeks:( she probably had so much more potential but ill love her