How long into flower do you foliar feed?

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I was thinking I shouldn't push it past the third week but anybody foliar feed into the fifth week of flower? I couldn't imagine doing it past that. I just do humic or fulvic acid and kelp.

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I know that's why I have a humidity monitor, an exhaust fan, oscillating fans, and a dehumidifier. And I'm not foliar feeding any week 5 or beyond buds or anything. I'm not asking for mold concerns I'm asking for taste concerns. If I foliar spray in week 3 is that Kelp and fulvic acid taste gonna show up six weeks down the road.


Well-Known Member
I would think as long as you cure correctly it would make it sweet but I doubt if you would taste it like straight out of the bottle.....


Well-Known Member
Only time you should foliar feed is when you cut clones and spray em before going under a dome.

foliar feeding will never compare to a healthy root system, period. Never foliar feed, especially in flower, that's just dumb.
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Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Y'all know I'm not giving these bitches nitrogen or anything right? Lol. Humic and fulvic acids are supposed to utilize what I've already got in my soil right?

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Y'all know I'm not giving these bitches nitrogen or anything right? Lol. Humic and fulvic acids are supposed to utilize what I've already got in my soil right?
Yes and no. They help to break down the shit in your soil to make it more available to your plants, but that does not mean they are feeding your plant. If you don't have something in there for the plants to eat or the humic acids to break down, then they aren't really doing much

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I foiler feed in veg with just a small amount of Epsom and plain water but stop when flowers start to form. I really have no clue if it works and some grows I just don't do it but I've never had mould or mildew. I used to do it for mag def but don't get that anymore either. I started using Vitanimo (in Res) and cal and mag issues have disappeared.

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I foliar fed through out veg with kelp and humic acid and had great rapid growth results. Was wondering if I could keep it going for my first couple weeks of flower but I suppose I'll back off.


Well-Known Member
Personally I dont do it during flowering as I keep mine fairly well fed during all stages, but thats a personal preference as I think it could impact the taste of the bud.... but it can be done up to the last few weeks so I have read. I may try it on a run in the future to see if it has any benefit since I have quite a few seeds from the same strain to use on my next run. May feed a folier feed a couple of plants and not the others for comparison sake since I would have plants to spare... light reading on it too, or Like was said before, its your plant, do what you like, let us know how the taste is.