How long have you been smoking?


Well-Known Member
hey thought this would be a cool thread so

how old are you?
How long have you been smoking?

i'll start:


smokin since: 2005
I'm 46 and i started smoking when i was 16 and i quit when i was 30 and started again when i was 37. Peace

ha those 7 years must of sucked..........

been smokin since i was 13, first time i tried it i was hooked...ha.... im 21 now....i quit for maybe 6 months when i was 16........... but that was bout it
smoking since 15..... try'd my first puff @ 8 or even less at a skatehall.....
wack.. been smoking since i was in thrid grade. i'm 23 now. I ran the mile in 7 minutes flat ...while high in junior High skoo.
Had my first puff a year ago on the 24th of this month.

Man I've had some good times.

So started smoking at 18 now 19
I'm 20 almost 21.
I have been smoking for two years every week, before that every month/two weeks since I was 16/15.

started at age 12.............22 now. "I got ten years under my belt, and I aint even 24!" quoted from D-Loc of the kottonmouth kings.
18. started when i was 13. I remember it like yesterday. How boring life would be without good ole mary.
Let's see. 23 now (birthday's on 4/20). First time I ever smoke I was 17. Started smoking regularly around 19. Since I was 21, I'd say once a day for the most part. With several 1-3 month breaks in between.

ha those 7 years must of sucked.......... actually i wouldn't say they sucked. though when i think about it they were kinda mediocre except when i was drinking then i still had lots of fun.