How long has my plants got left

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Hard to tell without a closer inspection of the buds but I'd recon at least two weeks considering how green your plants are. You've done a good job well done!


Well-Known Member
have they started crowning yet hard to tell from this picture are 75 % of the pistols couloured

What coulour are the tricones get a scope dude or if ya have a decent phone just put the camera on your phone right close to the nug when lights are off with flash on,this is the method i use go with macro shots but my phone teks mint photos of tri's even that good see the coulour


Well-Known Member
at least another 10/14 days

It has not even started crowning yet be patient its the time when the plant will put on the most weight that why most people do not hit the high yeild they take em down when there just starting to get weight on them

Looks like a plant i did years ago called motivation,telling ya after this one you will know when its time to take em down look up crowning of and it should start in the next week or so ther bud will lose its shape and get what i call rhino horns comeing of the buds [crowning off]

The pistols look like there complete white so wait till they start to coulour up,it will be well worth the wait when ya sat with a nice bifter of it knowing you have hit it bang on not early
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