how long for clones to root?


Well-Known Member
I'm on my sixth day since cloning and there are still no signs of roots on my 12 cuttings. Most of the cuttings aren't that droopy any more and seemed to have perked up a little, but still no roots! How long can it take? is there still hope for them?


Well-Known Member
I'm on my sixth day since cloning and there are still no signs of roots on my 12 cuttings. Most of the cuttings aren't that droopy any more and seemed to have perked up a little, but still no roots! How long can it take? is there still hope for them?
i took some cuttings once, and dipped them in root hormone and let them sit in baby jars of water. 5-6 days went by, nothing. woke up one morning, roots from all sides of the lower stem. big vibrant white ones that looked like razor shards. thing was, i left them alone until the magic happened


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'll let them do there thing until they either root or die. If even half of them root, I'll have my hands full :) ! I can taste the bud already!


Mine usually take in a week, what medium did you put them in? did you take the clones in veg?

here is a few pics of mine, the 2 you see with roots comming out of the very part of the stem above the rockwool where taken 2 days prior to the others, took 5 days for these roots to appear.


Well-Known Member
Mine usually take in a week, what medium did you put them in? did you take the clones in veg?

here is a few pics of mine, the 2 you see with roots comming out of the very part of the stem above the rockwool where taken 2 days prior to the others, took 5 days for these roots to appear.
Lookin good. Yes I did take my clones from their monthers while they were still in veg. I am using super plugs as the medium and they are placed in a propogation dome. Super plugs are made from tree bark and some other crap. All I know is they have plenty of moisture in them and I got 90% germination using them. I'll post a few pics so you can see the set up.


looks ok, mine usually perk up hours after i put them in my cube. wish i had your setup, mine is pretty ghetto, i have a dome but it's still hard to keep moisture in there. i hope things work out!


Well-Known Member
I've seen roots on about half of them in the last few days! I think the key was giving them some darkness!!! I had the light on for 24 hours for the first few days, but after reading a little more and checking out that post that Garden Knowm put up, i started giving them 8 hours of darkness. Think thats what probably did it...