How Long Does It Take To Go From Cloudy To Amber?


Well-Known Member
So I Just Went Out Last Night And Got A Microscope To View My Trichs And Noticed That Some Of Them Are Starting To Get Cloudy Looking. I Wanted To Know How Fast The Trichs Will Change From The Cloudy Look To A More Amber Looking Color? And Once The Plants Have Been Cut Down Will The Trichs Still Continue To Change Or Will They Stay The Same As They Are When They Get Cut? Any Ideas?


Well-Known Member
I Have Some Posted From A Week Ago In Some Of My Other Threads If You Wanna Check Those Out. I'll Try To Post Some New Ones Tomorrow Though.


Well-Known Member
i think the trichs turn amber color also. im not 100% but im pretty sure. anybody have a deffinate yes or no answer?


Well-Known Member
yes,,,,,the hairs will continue to change,,,,,,the hairs turn red because they have died,,,,,they r there to collect pollen..... if u have most milky now, i would say within 2 weeks u should have a good number of amber


Well-Known Member
so the more that are amber colored means that when i puff its gonna be a head hi, like a motivational hi? or is it a stuck on the couch all day hi?


Well-Known Member
Milky, Heady high, energetic high morning smoke......... Amber, Couch lock, bed time smoke