How Long Does It Take To Fully Grow?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't pissed, but dude had it in a corn can, I dont care bro, apple trees and corn cans are totally different situations. I guess you could call it the '' Bear Grllys '' strain if it works. Or ''Bushman skunk '' hahaha...
he should update us on that piss can grow,inquiry minds want to know.he may have put things other then piss in their and then only the hospital knows.

Kief Chief

Well-Known Member
yea puff daddy ur a little dumber than the average bear and u prolly shouldnt even waste ur time with growing since u obviously are very simple minded. just keep buying buds from dealers, because for sum reason if u do get bud it will be shwag im sure. mixing piss with water to fertilze is fucking stupid!!!! just buy sum god damn fertilizer piss is too salty and unstable due to diet and other variables. ur completley wasting ur time hahaha


Well-Known Member
Holy shit this has to be the funniestvthread I've Evers read. I clan picture this dude in cut off shorts and a staind wife beater missing teeth and all hahahahahahahahahahahha fucking Rednecks make the world go round


Active Member
I've just started to grow but i'm growing outside. i just planted my last seeds today. how long would it take for my plant to finish from planting to hearvisting?


Active Member
Damn man, What a waste of seeds. Transfer then into a bigger pot and it should start growing again. The roots probably have no more space. Also next time Germinate them. And don't piss in the plants bro. Good Luck, and remember this website is filled with great info on how to grow properly.
iight i just started the germination process for 3 of my seed on 4/20/09 and for one seed i just put it in straight into some miracle grow dirt inside an 8in high and 8in wide clay pot on 4/21/09 i kept the 4/20 seeds in a metal drawer and been wetting the paper towel every day and for the 4/21 i kept it in the porch which is prob the same temp as it is outside and im planning in watering it every other day also for the 4/20 seeds im planning to put them in prob the same kind of pot each w/ thier own pot and w/ miracle grow dirt they will also be kept in the porch the lighting for all seeds being the sun since 3 of the 4 walls are basically windows. so does anyone have any tips or can tell me if im doing anything wrong so far???


iv been growing my plant for about a month and 14days n its like 19inches wide and 18 inches tall i think its a cheese plant and all i done was put it in sum soil frm a grow bag wot me dad uses for his plants n just leaveing it out side n just usein water i hope it buds tho :bigjoint:bongsmilie:twisted:


Well-Known Member
what I did was I got an empty can and I put like 15 white seeds I got some regular dirt from outside and I planted it then I put some water for the first 2 1/2 weeks then I started pissing in it well not pissing IN it but getting like a cup and mixing my piss with water and putting it in the plant..
This has got to be a joke


i suppercropped mine and now i have to drink a gallon of water every hour to have enough urine to keep them going.
:leaf: Here is what you need to do to start off good seeds. *germenating*

1)put new seeds in a damp cloth, (tiger striped beens not white) and put them in a dark spot where there is no light and about 70 degrees for temp.

2)in a coupple of days you should start to see little roots sticking out of the seed.

3)when the root gets to be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch put each seedling in its own soil mixture. (dont use a can use a plastic cup, and put a hole on the bottem of it to let excess water drain out.)

4)put them in your grow room.:mrgreen: :peace:

--:evil: Never plant more then 2 seeds in any type of pot. Roots can get tangeled and plants will fight for light and nutrents, making them smaller.:evil:

well that's now true because i put about five seeds in four different places and i was able to take mine apart when they were about 3 to 4 inches tall and they weren't tangled. And it only took them a week to grow 3 inches


Well-Known Member
what I did was I got an empty can and I put like 15 white seeds I got some regular dirt from outside and I planted it then I put some water for the first 2 1/2 weeks then I started pissing in it well not pissing IN it but getting like a cup and mixing my piss with water and putting it in the plant..

mixing my piss with water and putting it in the plant
OK, well seeing as urine is water, salt, and ammonia nitrates all your doing is killing them.

STOP FUCKING PISSING IN YOUR PLANTS. thats as bad as using sodium Hydroxide as PH-up. (ok im done flaming.......)

first: seedlings dont need fertalizer. untill after they "harden up".

second: when they do need fertalizer its low/high/high that you want (flowering ferts for seedlings) after they harden up they need veg nutes. piss is straight nitrogen and ammonia (lits like letting your cat use the plant as a litter box, probably wouldn't do it.....)

if you want it to grow fast water it properly, feed it properly and give it lots of light!