How Long Does It Take Pistils to Turn into Nuggets?


Active Member
Hey folks im doing autos and they are at day 35 today strains r 70-80 day...Have pistils since day 22 and there a shit load of pistils but not budding was wondering how long this normally takes...pistals r bud formed but not nuggets yet hope it makes sense lemme know folks


Active Member
youll start to see those pistils turn to nugs soon..prob within the next 3!


Well-Known Member
What strain of autos?

Some autos like Sagamatha`s AK-48 still need to be moved to a 12/12 light cycle even though they are autos.


Active Member
i know but if that was the case they wouldnt be throwing pistils out boss i dont think...there haze autos from dinafem hince the name


Well-Known Member
right, but I was speaking about autos that had already spit out their pistils but the calayx`s wernt swelling barley at all untill they swithched the lights back.


Active Member
I didnt know that could happen i thought they were flowering once that happened boss so maybe i need to switch to 12/12 if nothing changes soon becuase they r only getting alittle bigger but i only have maybe 14 inches to light but i have cool tube these things r huge...i had enough room for them to get to be 33 inches and still have 16inches to light but have went by that so im scared if i switch to 12/12 there gonna be way to big thn im screwd becuase im 2 scared to cut or bend or break the cola....what do u think i should do boss


Well-Known Member
Hey Mate,

I would make the switch to 12/12 for a week or so and see if that was the culprit, if your that scared about the hight I would top them first.

Ive had orange pistils, Im not sure of the cause... But I thought it was possably from the nutes I was using. (same colour as my Supermax B1) Haha. Prob not that though...

maybe the sign of matured pistils, or they are dying cause they have not found their pollen.


Active Member
was hoping it was a sign for matured pistals...Im gonna jump if nothing happens by monday becuase the 1 seems to be stay right where it has been for about a week nothing has really changed...Im not sure if i can just jump right to 12/12 without causeing all of them to go hermie on me....let me know HONKEYcorn


Well-Known Member
K sure, sounds good. Give em a few more days and if nothing changes, then go 12/12.

What strain and from whom(breeder/bank). veg was how many watts of cfl/hps/mh, same info for flower, distances to bulbs... got some pics???

Yes, you are correct saying that there is a slight possability that they could go hermie. Might be a necessary risk though...


Active Member
600w quatum ballast with cool tube there about 14-16 inches from light right now...veg i had it set at 300w for 3 weeks then 450w thru now i was thinking bout going up to 600w but dont want the temps to get out of control theres a 6-8 difference between 300-450w so if i go up again im affraid it will be to hot like 90 at 600w right now i set between 78-84 depending how hot it is that is day 35 just started bloom nutes last saturday(had to get to store so started late)....ppm is at 825ish ph is at 6-6.5...i have DINAFEMS HAZE AUTOS, 1 SYRUP 1 DEIOMOS 1 WHITEDWARF FROM BUDDAH SEEDS....THESE WERE ALL FREEBIES FROM TUDE....Its my first run by myself so i figured i would just run the freebies figured a couple would die and whatnot being new BUT nope not 1 so now my space is wicked filled 4.5ft tallx 4.5ft longx 2.5ft wide is my space that im working with....The nutes are floranova bloom and hygrozyme thats all im using...i used floranova grow for veg...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... well from my research those shouldnt need the lights cut back like the AK-48`s I spoke of. But still worth a try if they do not start swelling soon.

Might be right on the light, prob would get too hot boosting it too 600w it those are your current temps.

What u got for fan and carbon filter?


Active Member
lol ummm circulation is a big box fan outside the room gonna get a small fan to hang on the wall cuase theres no room anywhere else and as far as carbon filter there is none lol...cant go drilling up the walls and stuff ya know...but i am gonna get some ona gell bucket things to put in the room some how and 1 outside the room think this should cover some smell not to worried bout smell always smells lol


Active Member
Im thinking the orange pistils must be a sign becuz i just checked the other 1 that is just be that big 1 and it has 2 orange pistils coming out of the stems the other has like 10 but just seems like these would be budding already if there 70days cuz im half way there..but most likely 85 days almost not worth doing autos then...


Well-Known Member
Just be patient man, you'll get loads of swelling soon, its early days yet, your probably only week 2-3 of flower.


Active Member
so ur saying in the next 5 weeks as advertised they will have budding fully??just doesnt seem like enough time but it is my first time with autos so maybe i guess....thanks