How long do you think this will continue?


Well-Known Member
you republicans need to calm down, the US is not going to become socialist, just relax and put the guns down folks
We are already socialist. What do you call this bailout plan? What about obamas healthercare plans. No doubt we will end up having to nationalize banks...they're already talking about it. What do you call that. Its called s o c i a l i s m


Well-Known Member
I think the time is coming when a gun will be needed to put the desperate in check with YOUR reality. Hope not but I think some desperate times may come for alot of people. My brother has been a marine and fighting these wars siince just after the first desert storm. He kinda freaks me out when he says America is 2 generations from a third world country. When he goes all over the world he says its easier to get a perspective on whats happening to America. I don't think there is a magic rabbit to pull out. America usually goes to war to come out of a recession. We have been at war for a long time now. The money they are giving industry isn't having a trickle down effect. Places are starting to close down. A good resturaunt in that secluded place you may have to call and see what nights they are opened (Happened to me this week). The old tried and true money flow solution has proven it dont work. America just got the fuck raped out of them by high dollar business and wall street. That money is gone forever and no one knows what to do. When they started the 401k everyone thought wow, a safe retirement option, they figured out how to funnel it off. Crazy. This time they got everyone. Stoned rant. Done

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
We are already socialist. What do you call this bailout plan? What about obamas healthercare plans. No doubt we will end up having to nationalize banks...they're already talking about it. What do you call that. Its called s o c i a l i s m
right now they are only talking---I seriously doubt they can change the country that much when the ideology is split 50/50.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
the baby boomers are about to retire and all their money is gone and social security and medicare can't even come close to paying for them. Bunch of people are going to be cut loose---no way around it.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
its not 50/50 though, the democrats have a majority in the house and senate
I'm talking about the population. Gerrymandering has fixed the elections---not a week ago Obama was wanting to pull the census into his office :)

They can't have that drastic of a change when half the country opposes it---thats how revolutions come about :)


Well-Known Member
If these bail outs have shown us anything its that the governemtn doesnt care what the poeple think. Remember the huge outcry against the TARP plan, all the thousands of people that called thair representatives urging them not to pass it All the polls showing the vast majority opposing it. And they still passed it. And as things get worse more and more people will udnoubtedly beg for something to be done, completely disregarding that gov't got us into this mess in the first place.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Obama is still out stumping and pushing the stimuls---even though it's already signed. He lost 5% points on his approval rating for that---and most people don't know shit about it---so thats pretty drastic. The stimulus bill received support along partisan lines and many people approved of it only to give Obama a chance---I believe the stimulus had 61% approval. If it doesn't work---which it won't----the democrats asses are on the chopping block in 18 months :)


Well-Known Member
I hope youre right. No doubt the dems will just say Bush fucked things up so much things were beyond repair. Still alot can be done in 18 months

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
what's really pissing me off is all the talking heads and politicians acting like we just now started getting into irreversible debt---ya right---social security and medicare has always been the elephant in the room---the stuff they are doing now is chump change compared to what they will have to do to save those entitlements---and the days of saying we can just grow the economy out of it are over---no way in hell can that happen.

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
what's really pissing me off is all the talking heads and politicians acting like we just now started getting into irreversible debt---ya right---social security and medicare has always been the elephant in the room---the stuff they are doing now is chump change compared to what they will have to do to save those entitlements---and the days of saying we can just grow the economy out of it are over---no way in hell can that happen.

this country is going down the toilet

and my generation has to suffer

atleast your old son of man :(

i still have so much to experience


New Member
It's going to get worse and worse. There may be some improvement, but things will never be as they used to be. We've peaked.

Our government, I don't even know what to say about those idiots, all of them being idiots. Today on the news they said that the pentagon "lost" 300 million dollars worth of weapons and military vehicles. They just don't know where they went, the shit just vanished.

How the hell are we supposed to ever fix anything when the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing because they're both busy stealing?

Hey but look on the bright side, we can all use our growing skills to keep from starving to death. :bigjoint:

We Love 1

New Member
They said that these "stimulus" or "bailout" (whatever You want to call them) packages will utimately hurt Us in the end, by 2019 I believe they said.

The are ways to get things back on track. I believe the gov't should give everyone HUGE tax cuts, and bring money into circulation by paying theirselves and infrastructure projects.

The depression is only going to get worse. Who knows when things are going to turn around? If We didn't have corrupt politicans than We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

If only We could grow Herb legally, the economy would bounce back real quick.

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