How long do you let super soil sit after mixing?


Active Member
After mixing the super soil, Subcool said 30 days for it to sit. Now does it sit outside in the sun with a cap over the top of the can or just let it sit there with no top? Also, next to a lake there are so many white little flies. Will they be a problem?


Well-Known Member
30 days is the absolute minimum longer would be better. Outside in sun with lid on to keep bugs out. I have my batch in a place that gets early sun only because i dont want it getting too hot and killing beneficials.

Jah Leon

30 days is a minimum for super soils but some soil mixes require longer to blend and working in all the ingredients. I have had super soil that is continuously topped up each year sit for 2 years and more. Each year new scraps, composted soil and manure is added and leave to sit in big plastic containers with covers.

This soil gives excellent results when used.


Active Member
Doesn't need to be done in the sun. I cook mine in my basement. The composting process generates plenty of heat on its own.


Well-Known Member
I wold not have thought a garbage can sized pile could generate much heat. Per Sub's video, I've added Nematodes. I would hate to cook them