how long do you have...


Active Member
before a male plant can pollenate the females, i'm 1 week into flower, and just removed 3 of the males, any chance they could of pollinated already?


Well-Known Member
Probably not, you'll know when they pollenate because those ball actually turns into a flower and yellow pollen will be everywhere trust me....


Active Member
alright cool thanks, was just worried, can't believe 4 plants turned out to be male, bleh. oh well hopefully these will produce well and the clones will take =(


Well-Known Member
this might be a silly question too but if i keep males upstairs and females downstairs can the males still pollenate the females maybe through the vents or something?


Well-Known Member
it could go through vents yes, or bugs or you can even carry the pollen on yourself....pollen is like herpies!