How long do you flush DWC?

I’ve always been under the conclusion that 5-7 days was the magic number. Use RO with cal mag for first 3 then straight RO for the remainder. Hydro plants will run through the stored nutrients by day 4 or 5. Leaves will start to turn. That’s when I chop.
I flush for null days before harvest.

Sometimes I will flush lines and media to remove salt and solids buildup in the system.

No reason to do a pre-harvest flush other than stoner mysticism.

(True believers can fight me!)

Dude once they have TV shows about this shit like they do with wine and food. Lol. Your next opinionated factoid will be how unqualified flavor experts are and how unreliable the current industry's methodology for quantifying flavors and contaminants are.

Let's see a side by side flushed vs unflushed cancer study. Nitrate levels will suffice.

I'm waiting patiently for that day. You ain't smoked with enough people if you think weed can't taste like grow chems instead of weed. Some real humans left on earth can perceive these things. As for the rest we have science and numbers and shit, from the essential oil industry. And the food industry. And the candy industry. And then medical industry. And many more industries much older and more important than the chemigation racket. The inventor of force fed plant vitamins denounced that shit in his own life time. Think about that. Back before everyone's taste buds were fucked i guess? And they could see where all the problems came from instead of buying more problems?
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Dude once they have TV shows about this shit like they do with wine and food. Lol. Your next opinionated factoid will be how unqualified flavor experts are and how unreliable the current industry's methodology for quantifying flavors and contaminants are.

Let's see a side by side flushed vs unflushed cancer study. Nitrate levels will suffice.

I'm waiting patiently for that day. You ain't smoked with enough people if you think weed can't taste like grow chems instead of weed. Some real humans left on earth can perceive these things. As for the rest we have science and numbers and shit, from the essential oil industry. And the food industry. And the candy industry. And then medical industry. And many more industries much older and more important than the chemigation racket. The inventor of force fed plant vitamins denounced that shit in his own life time. Think about that. Back before everyone's taste buds were fucked i guess? And they could see where all the problems came from instead of buying more problems?

So which "grow chems" did the weed taste like?
Dude once they have TV shows about this shit like they do with wine and food. Lol. Your next opinionated factoid will be how unqualified flavor experts are and how unreliable the current industry's methodology for quantifying flavors and contaminants are.

Let's see a side by side flushed vs unflushed cancer study. Nitrate levels will suffice.

I'm waiting patiently for that day. You ain't smoked with enough people if you think weed can't taste like grow chems instead of weed. Some real humans left on earth can perceive these things. As for the rest we have science and numbers and shit, from the essential oil industry. And the food industry. And the candy industry. And then medical industry. And many more industries much older and more important than the chemigation racket. The inventor of force fed plant vitamins denounced that shit in his own life time. Think about that. Back before everyone's taste buds were fucked i guess? And they could see where all the problems came from instead of buying more problems?
Your rant is shockingly ignorant. Referring pejoratively to “science and numbers and shit” is a great way to demonstrate your vast lack of understanding, thanks.
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I didn't flush my hydro plants and they taste OK with just a dry and couple day cure so far. They'll taste much better when there done curing but I can still blaze and get ripped off it. Which surprises me cuz usually I smoke wax cuz weed don't get me high. My crop makes me retarded high so I'm happy about the effects my weed gives me, happy with the taste without flushing. I'm going to experiment with a little bit of bud in a water cure to see what that's about. Read about water curing the other day and thought why not give it a try to see what happens.
Flushing is only useful to leach excess nutrients from grow medium should there be a buildup at some point. I used to but it’s pointless and does more damage than good.

I “flush” every week or two in coco to clear out buildup. A gallon or two of water through the pot until I get a low ppm. Then follow that immidantly with a full feed.

I run a lower ppm towards the end of flower but no flushy flushy. Then dry and cure.
Flushing is only useful to leach excess nutrients from grow medium should there be a buildup at some point. I used to but it’s pointless and does more damage than good.

I “flush” every week or two in coco to clear out buildup. A gallon or two of water through the pot until I get a low ppm. Then follow that immidantly with a full feed.

I run a lower ppm towards the end of flower but no flushy flushy. Then dry and cure.
That’s basically what I do, also. In soil, coco, rockwool dtw, and rdwc. Usually end up about 1.0ec (500 ppm NaCl scale tds) toward the end, but not lower. I usually only flush my media twice per run, and I run the same nutrients pretty much the whole time, except a little bump of MKP during flower.

Flushing is also useful for eliminating nutrient lockout whether caused by salt buildup or by other factors like unbalanced nutrition or severe pH swing.
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It’s cool man, there are a few of us here who don’t pre-harvest flush. I taper off nutes at the very end, and I only run about 100ppm N for most of the run, but a proper dry and cure means so much more to the end product than any sort of flushing ever will. Plants are made of those nutrients, I have never understood that argument.

Also, to the other poster: Copper sulfate is what makes Miracle Gro blue, probably.

My fresh weed tastes like sugary hash, always. The distinct flavors come later. Never "harsh" until terpenes hit over 10% (wimps may puss out at 5%)

Dispensary weed taste like contaminants, smells like specific grow product you could walk into the broponics shop and put your finger right on. Fresh or cured.. Why?
My fresh weed tastes like sugary hash, always. The distinct flavors come later. Never "harsh" until terpenes hit over 10% (wimps may puss out at 5%)

Dispensary weed taste like contaminants, smells like specific grow product you could walk into the broponics shop and put your finger right on. Fresh or cured.. Why?

All my strains have their own personal traits smell wise- not sure why yours don't??

I don't know what you put on your plants but I decided to find out just what my flower nute's taste like. I just went and mixed Canna Flora A and B without water and had a swig. My end result un leached or unflushed depending on peoples horticulture terms or lack of, tastes nothing like or smells like what the nutrients do.
My fresh weed tastes like sugary hash, always. The distinct flavors come later. Never "harsh" until terpenes hit over 10% (wimps may puss out at 5%)

Dispensary weed taste like contaminants, smells like specific grow product you could walk into the broponics shop and put your finger right on. Fresh or cured.. Why?
I don’t accept the premises upon which your question is based.
  1. “Dispensary weed” is not a fungible group. There are dispensaries in numerous states and provinces, did you have a specific shop in mind?
  2. Your assertion about 5% to 10% terpenes is spurious, if you had lab results you would post them.
  3. What contaminants, specifically, are you claiming dispensary weed tastes like? You don’t know, because you are parroting something you were told to believe.
  4. Which “broponics” products, specifically, does this fungible mass of dispensary weed taste like? You don’t know, because your claims exist entirely, and only, in your mind.
Please, really think about what you are saying, it makes no sense at all.
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Yes in virtually all cases weed needs to be flush, for those of you that don't think so great I'm not here to argue I could careless if anyone does or not, for anyone that wants to listen don't take my word for it I'll tell you how to prove it send it to a lab and have it tested, Really anyone growing should do this regardless you wouldn't believe the shit in your weed. there is like 12 labs iab canada, a good one B.C. But they check for everything THC CBD Terpens etc also bacterial culture, mould, , fungal growth pathogens etc.And Heavy metals, lead, chromium, mercury etc I think most places check for like 30+. anyone thats been around the industry or has done a fair bit of lab testing knows that the number ONE hit in the heavy metals department is phosphorous fertilizer. any why is that so bad , because it is very high in cadmium. even very small amounts of cadmium over time will effect the lungs kidneys bones etc. So you can flush every bit out you possibly can with RO water or you can fucking smoke it what ever makes you happy, and yes labs testing shows a big difference in flushed weed and not flushed weed. Oh and another big hitter is arsenic. Here is another fun fact in studies/tests done show 30-40% of Dispensary weed can't pass health Canada's standards, they fail for chemicals, pathogens,bacteria and moulds
Yes in virtually all cases weed needs to be flush, for those of you that don't think so great I'm not here to argue I could careless if anyone does or not, for anyone that wants to listen don't take my word for it I'll tell you how to prove it send it to a lab and have it tested, Really anyone growing should do this regardless you wouldn't believe the shit in your weed. there is like 12 labs iab canada, a good one B.C. But they check for everything THC CBD Terpens etc also bacterial culture, mould, , fungal growth pathogens etc.And Heavy metals, lead, chromium, mercury etc I think most places check for like 30+. anyone thats been around the industry or has done a fair bit of lab testing knows that the number ONE hit in the heavy metals department is phosphorous fertilizer. any why is that so bad , because it is very high in cadmium. even very small amounts of cadmium over time will effect the lungs kidneys bones etc. So you can flush every bit out you possibly can with RO water or you can fucking smoke it what ever makes you happy, and yes labs testing shows a big difference in flushed weed and not flushed weed. Oh and another big hitter is arsenic. Here is another fun fact in studies/tests done show 30-40% of Dispensary weed can't pass health Canada's standards, they fail for chemicals, pathogens,bacteria and moulds does "flushing" or leaching or watering whichever one you may mean with that stoner term...I'm guessing you mean watering, remove immobile nutrients from the plant and how do you avoid the movement of mobile nutrients from the plant to the flowers?
Not arguing just some scientific proof would be nice, after all you have the lab test comparison from watered cannabis and the control clone from nutrient added cannabis (which you failed to post) or do you?? and you must therefore have some scientific proof on how this Harry Potter "watering" stuff works?
Or do you mean watering with chemicals like Epson salts like AN recommend and sell at a huge price and mark up and not just plain water, in which case is it watering?
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Well LL its like this it wouldn't matter how much data or lab tests I posted, I probably have lab tests older them most on these boards, people are going to believe what they want to believe until they prove themselves wrong. Do what I said send 2 controlled samples to a lab. I know exactly how there going to come back I've seen it long enough, you obviously haven't and don't understand it, so just do it .

Mobile nutrients, primary nutrients include nitrogen phosphorus , potassium , secondary nutrients magnesium , sulfur ,micronutrients Chlorine, Nickel

immobile nutrients Calcium, iron boron copper molybdenum zinc cobalt Manganese

So as you can see all the big hitters are movable, so with just RO water feeding they will be used or expelled by the plant,and as you can see most of the immobile nutrients are in small quantities, which most of will get used in the process.

it has nothing to do with Harry Potter "watering" stuff I like to use the term common sense. think of it like this, for the next week stop eating food and only drink as much RO water as much as you can nothing in it just RO water. the body will do several things eat up stored food matter, expel toxins, waste, by killing off or cleaning out bad cell matter that built up, it can also starve out diseases. A plant will do the same thing, clean itself out.
So no proof then?
So moving those mobile chemicals to the flowers is a good thing and the human body is the same as a plant? OK young fella....
I love the debates. Lol good stuff. I didn't flush my first run but I do plan to give a 3 to 5 day flush this second run just to see what happens. I don't think flushing in dwc can hurt a plant for only 3 to 5 days at the very end of its life. I do believe it can leach out excess nutrients and make for a cleaner smoke. In theory it sounds like it should work