How long can you use a hps bulb?


How long can you use a hps bulb? I have couple friends that spend almost $100 on 1 bulb then throw it away After a couple uses . Not sure if I want to do that knowing they are ment to last longer.
Until it stops working. lol I'm kidding in a way. The real answer lies within you. And you'll have to do research. MH and HPS bulbs have 10s of thousands hours of life in them. But before they reach that point they become inefficient to grow with. Because although they still put off light the amount of "PAR" light decreases much faster than the actual life of the bulb. HPS holds its efficiency longer than MH. I don't recall the exact numbers and speed. The thing to consider is the cost of running the bulb never decreases but the amount of usable light does. I'd rather pay for a new bulb and get 100% out of it rather than sacrificing the energy my plants gets. I'll use a MH for no more than 6 months and a HPS no more than 9 months. Even if they aren't used every day and none of them are. But I made my choice I'd rather get rid of a bulb early rather than late. Use google and the search bar on here and you'll find all the details you need.
How long can you use a hps bulb? I have couple friends that spend almost $100 on 1 bulb then throw it away After a couple uses . Not sure if I want to do that knowing they are ment to last longer.

If your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too? Sorry to sound like your mother but an HID bulb should not cost $100.00 and should certainly last more then a couple of grows. I use them until they blow out and always have a replacement available.

Good Luck and Great Growz
If your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too? Sorry to sound like your mother but an HID bulb should not cost $100.00 and should certainly last more then a couple of grows. I use them until they blow out and always have a replacement available.

Good Luck and Great Growz
Some bulbs cost more than that. And FYI cost of the bulb is irrelevant to question. Even the pricey bulbs "PAR" value degrade rather quickly. The longer you use the bulbs the less returns you'll see. Personally I try to do everything I can to increase my quality. Because to me that's my number one goal. Of course I don't want to be blowing $$$$. But on the other hand I WONT let the cost of a bulb effect the quality. Even if you use a 200 dollar bulb. If you divide that cost by the amount of product grown it's a very small cost.
Some bulbs cost more than that. And FYI cost of the bulb is irrelevant to question. Even the pricey bulbs "PAR" value degrade rather quickly. The longer you use the bulbs the less returns you'll see. Personally I try to do everything I can to increase my quality. Because to me that's my number one goal. Of course I don't want to be blowing $$$$. But on the other hand I WONT let the cost of a bulb effect the quality. Even if you use a 200 dollar bulb. If you divide that cost by the amount of product grown it's a very small cost.

You told me I guess...have a nice day.
I just got rid of 8 HPS and 6 MH... You can see the degradation of the HPS bulb as the black marks on the rod gets longer and longer. Read up on it - Some insist on frequent changes some go too long imo... My limit is 9 months on HPS and 6 months on MH.

Keep reading till you find a lifespan you can be at peace with!
I go 3 runs per bulb for the flowering bulbs, 4 runs on the veg bulbs. That's about 6 months on the HPS, and 4 or 5 on the MH for the clones. I could go a little longer - maybe even a full run on each - but I know that by the 4th run on the HPS, I'm losing effectiveness, and if that translates into even so much as a half ounce of bud in a 5x5 tent, I'm losing money.
You told me I guess...have a nice day.
lol it wasn't meant like that. Just trying to break it down to the basics. I'd imagine those paying for the most expensive bulbs might tend to use them longer. I found the bulbs I liked and now I shop for them. So instead of having one on hand I buy them by the box. It might have only saved me 10 bucks buying12 of them at a time. Eventually I'll get a free one so to speak. I use a bulb that's about $125 for the first 2 weeks of flower only. My MH and HPS cost about half that. I just didn't want a newbie thinking that an expensive bulb equates to a longer life because that's not the case. The reason they cost more I believe is because they have a much broader spectrum of light. I think combine the blues with the Reds raises the price. It's cheaper to focus a bulb on a single color or colors that are closer to each other on the the color wheel. But combine both technologies surely raises the price. And at certain points in the grow I find them very beneficial. Other periods of the grow I don't think it's worth it. Everyone has to learn what sacrifices they want to make.
The light will 'work' until it burns out, the light it emits will slowly soften, weaken, and be overall less useful to the plants... Change them out as your budget allows. If you are using expensive DE bulbs, changing every 3-6 months may not be an option.... I run cheap simple iPower bulbs, I find they are not all that far off in comparison studies from Hortilux of Ushio... (if you DO have the money, by all means, get one of those 2 brands)

If you look @ comparisons..... look for ones done by other growers, not anything put out by a manufacturer/seller. I have spent a day or two in the past hunting down light charts....

Yes, fresh bulbs DO make the plants happier, and more productive... but its like CO2, don't make it the top priority. Make sure the rest of the grow is set up and dialed in, then tweak... fresh bulbs, UV LEDs, CO2, etc.

(Also, when you change bulbs... keep the 'old' one, put it in the 'new' box, mark it clearly 'USED' and leave it on a shelf.... if you have a burnout, or a bulb blow... having the backup on hand for immediate replacement can easily save you from bananas poppin' off due to the prolonged dark while u got a new bulb)
I've never used DE bulbs. But I did look at these links because I recognized the name solis-tek. My comment isn't about them alone but those spectrum graphs bug the crap out of me. There should be a standard to them. More importantly when they are made specifically for growing they should have the "PAR" curve on there. Since that's what matters most of all. So I really don't trust any brand that doesn't do that. image.png
It doesn't matter if you buy a bulb at 100 or a bulb at 20, it will eventually not produce the same amount of light.
It will begin to produce more heat.

I use MH for the veg, typically I'll use this twice. Aprox a total of say 4-6 months usage.
Hps for the bloom, I use them for the same length.
(This way suits me)

In saying that, I know a guy using the same bulb maybe two years or so now. But every penny is a prisoner with him.

Everyone's opinions are different, don't copy another grower. Take their opinions into consideration & work out what's best for you.
Some great info here. I think these guys have done a nice job of breaking down the subject.
If, however you are still not sure and would like the simple answer I offer you this:
......A couple of runs
I use four a year ,2 new ones per light but I only buy a new one for my 3 rd light the swinger,once a year because I only use it from week four onwards.

Depends also on the amount of time you are using it ,say if you veg and then flower under it then defo a couple a year,I only use my hps lights for flowering all veg is done under a t5.