How long can you use a hps bulb? I have couple friends that spend almost $100 on 1 bulb then throw it away After a couple uses . Not sure if I want to do that knowing they are ment to last longer.
Some bulbs cost more than that. And FYI cost of the bulb is irrelevant to question. Even the pricey bulbs "PAR" value degrade rather quickly. The longer you use the bulbs the less returns you'll see. Personally I try to do everything I can to increase my quality. Because to me that's my number one goal. Of course I don't want to be blowing $$$$. But on the other hand I WONT let the cost of a bulb effect the quality. Even if you use a 200 dollar bulb. If you divide that cost by the amount of product grown it's a very small cost.If your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too? Sorry to sound like your mother but an HID bulb should not cost $100.00 and should certainly last more then a couple of grows. I use them until they blow out and always have a replacement available.
Good Luck and Great Growz
Some bulbs cost more than that. And FYI cost of the bulb is irrelevant to question. Even the pricey bulbs "PAR" value degrade rather quickly. The longer you use the bulbs the less returns you'll see. Personally I try to do everything I can to increase my quality. Because to me that's my number one goal. Of course I don't want to be blowing $$$$. But on the other hand I WONT let the cost of a bulb effect the quality. Even if you use a 200 dollar bulb. If you divide that cost by the amount of product grown it's a very small cost.
lol it wasn't meant like that. Just trying to break it down to the basics. I'd imagine those paying for the most expensive bulbs might tend to use them longer. I found the bulbs I liked and now I shop for them. So instead of having one on hand I buy them by the box. It might have only saved me 10 bucks buying12 of them at a time. Eventually I'll get a free one so to speak. I use a bulb that's about $125 for the first 2 weeks of flower only. My MH and HPS cost about half that. I just didn't want a newbie thinking that an expensive bulb equates to a longer life because that's not the case. The reason they cost more I believe is because they have a much broader spectrum of light. I think combine the blues with the Reds raises the price. It's cheaper to focus a bulb on a single color or colors that are closer to each other on the the color wheel. But combine both technologies surely raises the price. And at certain points in the grow I find them very beneficial. Other periods of the grow I don't think it's worth it. Everyone has to learn what sacrifices they want to make.You told me I guess...have a nice day.
I've never used DE bulbs. But I did look at these links because I recognized the name solis-tek. My comment isn't about them alone but those spectrum graphs bug the crap out of me. There should be a standard to them. More importantly when they are made specifically for growing they should have the "PAR" curve on there. Since that's what matters most of all. So I really don't trust any brand that doesn't do that.