How Long can you store BUD?


Active Member
Hey guys i basically have 3 months of exams and don't want to be smoking anything until they are over but, my plant just finished flowering and i am almost finished with drying them.

So how long?
and how exactly? there must be more than one technique, could this destroy some of the taste or strength ect?



Active Member
store in glass jars with air tight seal ( caning jar ) should last a year or more without degrading the longer u let it cure the better it will get :)


Well-Known Member
store in glass jars with air tight seal ( caning jar ) should last a year or more without degrading the longer u let it cure the better it will get :)
dude:eyesmoke: i aint guna shit you, i enlisted in the Corps, quite smoking to get in, went to Japan for like 4 years , got back to the states and was sifting though my old books, and guess what I found!!:bigjoint:
Strength, taste, and odor will only benefit from curing in a glass jar. Just make sure you open the jars every once in a while to replace stagnant air and check for any mold. I still have a little nugg from my first indoor harvest about a year and a half ago. It gets me way more fucked up than when it was first dried. Good luck1:bigjoint:
Curing will actually only make the bud smoother, not harsh. If it does get super dry, you can always throw in some orange peels or a couple fresh leaves. That will re-hydrate them a bit.


Active Member
orange peels arnt bad if u like fermented pot LoL. if u run into ure smoke being to dry buy some re hydrater disks at ure local smoke shop ( used for cigars) this will time relase moisture in the air.
orange peels arnt bad if u like fermented pot LoL. if u run into ure smoke being to dry buy some re hydrater disks at ure local smoke shop ( used for cigars) this will time relase moisture in the air.
Your not supposed to leave them in there until they rot:dunce: I HAVE used this method before and it works quite nicely and adds a hint of citrus to the smell. I just leave them in the jar until the bud is a bit less dry. Usually only a day or so.


Well-Known Member
In short...your bud should be fine for 3 months. Just make sure you dry it out and store it in good jars opening every once in a while and watching for mold