how long can you flower?


Active Member
what happens if you let a plant flower past the prime cutting time? will it hurt the potency of the bud? just wondering as im doin my first grow and def dont wana harvest too early but i dont want to let it go too long.


Well-Known Member
You dont want to let it go too far past its prime. You'll need at least a 30x scope and monitor the trics. If anything you need to worry about harvesting too early.


Well-Known Member
the potency starts to decline, leave it too long and your smoke won't be anywhere near as good. Keep an eye on the trichs or if you don't have a microscope just get some photos up on the forum and someone should be able to help you out. The plants'll wilt and die when they're finished, they won't just stick around forever maturing indefinitely. Good luck!

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
it takes around 4-5 weeks after the "chopping window" for the buds to lose potency.
however, the high becomes much more of a couch-lock type and taste changes.


Active Member
wow thanks alot guys for the help. plus rep fersure. but yea i will get a mic i just havnt been able to recently. nad im planning on getting sum clear pics up here soon. are the hairs a good sign of maturity or no? because there are brownish hairs on the top, but around the middle and bottom theiir still all white


Well-Known Member
wow thanks alot guys for the help. plus rep fersure. but yea i will get a mic i just havnt been able to recently. nad im planning on getting sum clear pics up here soon. are the hairs a good sign of maturity or no? because there are brownish hairs on the top, but around the middle and bottom theiir still all white
Forget the hairs, check the trichomes. Harvest them when the majority are cloudy for a head high, or harvest them when the majority are amber for a body high.

x2 with the others. The plant won't keep maturing. Eventually it'll die and rot away if you leave it go long enough. But we know you won't do that ;) :blsmoke:

Illegal Smile

You must check trichs under magnification. best way is with a real microscope like an old school model. Available cheap or you may know someone who has one. Take samples from buds at several different points on each plant and take sort of an average. When an average of 25% of trichs are amber, start your one week flush and keep monitoring every couple days.

THC is not at its peak if harvested too early and it will decline if it goes too long. BUT the vast majority of growers err on the side of harvesting too soon, so almost everyone would benefit from waiting 5-7 days longer than what their inclination is.