How long can I take clones ??


Active Member
So I just got some plants and they started their flowering cycle the day B4 I got them give or take a day. I was wondering if I can still take some cuts ?? And how long do I have B4 I can no longer take cuts ??


Well-Known Member
You can absolutely take cuts...shoot ive taken takes like up to 6 weeks into flower.....kick some nitrogen into their systems and put em under 24 hours of light for a few no time you'll see your flowering cut start to re-vert back to veg.....have fun :)


Active Member
Wow cool, ok that's good. thank you for replying. And I was also wondering about how you kick start the flowering process, I've heard that just cutting the light back to 12 and 12 will work fine, but I've also heard that you should give them 24 hours of darkness first, then give them 8 on and 16 off ???? Any suggestions ?


Well-Known Member
Forget teh fancy clockwork, just switch to 12/12 and you'll be fine. There is no benefit to 24 hours of darkness first, it's a myth or we'd all be doing it.


Active Member
Clones should not be under 12/12 unless you want them stressed because they dont know if its time to flower or grow roots, giving them atleast 16-18 is more like it.... Hes right about 24 not being needed, but try to stay on the veg side of things until you are sure you like your plant size. And you can take clones for a while into flowering, but that also = more stress.... The earlier the better, try to take the cuts earlier...
On the flower side of things, the 24 of dark really does help ramp up production, but is not needed ... Bud growth takes place at night, thus a longer night means more bud.... Try 14 to 16hrs in the dark youre plants will love it, and you will see production in a matter of days
Stressed plants =lower production= less happy smoker......