How long can I keep Flowering??


Hey guys, Just wondering if there are any benefits to flowering longer than the standard 8-12 weeks?
Got a plant that im keen to do a few experiments on hehehehe


I never go by the recommended flowering time. I just flower until it's done! Usually ends up being about 2 weeks longer than the company says.


Yea, still not getting what im trying to ask man, i mean leaving it going say 4 another 2 weeks after perfect harvest time
The benefits that I can see right away would be the possibility of a seed or two forming, which are usually female and prized by many. A much more couch lock/pain relief/sedative type of effect no matter how Sativa dominant the strain may be. You should also get every last bit of growth possibile as you don't have to worry about chopping before the swell has been maximized. The negative effects I could see are the possibility of diseases, the degradation of some cannabanoids, and the chances of a few nanners forming and causing problems with other plants in the garden. Let us know your results when you are finished! Good luck to ya!


PS. I grew up in the same town as Kurt Cobain, he was a little bit older than I was, but I remember the first couple years of Nirvana back in Aberdeen Washington. seen your sig...


Awesome man, exactly what i was after.
Figured i may as well have a wee play around with a spare plant so if it turns out it lost a bit of quality, its no big deal.

Thanks heaps
And ill definitly post back with some results :-P


PS. I grew up in the same town as Kurt Cobain, he was a little bit older than I was, but I remember the first couple years of Nirvana back in Aberdeen Washington. seen your sig...
Aw man!! sometimes I wish i didnt live and grow up in little old New Zealand just for experiences like that! Hahaha! I fuckin' love nirvana