How Long Can I Get Away with Not Having a Dehumidifier? Day 10 Flower 65% Rh

Los Muertos

Active Member
We got something similar and I didn't notice any's obviously doing something as the salt stones are melting away --- or whatever it is they're doing. We tried kitty litter...didn't work so well. We tried opening a window in the morning and evening (only when the bugs aren't flyin around) and that worked the best. Just got an A/C and that's workin great as it dehumidifies the air as it cools.
It's down to below 50% right now, but it's just hanging there. I'm gonna leave it overnight and see if it made a difference...I'll let you guys know.


Well-Known Member
ya man it would be a good investment. With a room that small and packed u gotta be careful or your walls will rain water and aid in powdery goodness. Look on EBay they have good prices on dehumidifiers, just make sure it has a drain hose attachment.

shit, now its getting to like 70% think a dehumidifier would be best or an AC unit?


Active Member
ya man it would be a good investment. With a room that small and packed u gotta be careful or your walls will rain water and aid in powdery goodness. Look on EBay they have good prices on dehumidifiers, just make sure it has a drain hose attachment.
So you would have a dehumidifier over an AC unit?


Well-Known Member
That's a tough one cuz, well I have both, but the delima is is you get a dehumidifier it will help drop it but depending on the size of it, it could raise the temp maybe 5-10 degrees. But if you get just an an AC you will be able to get the optimal temp, but it also may help just a lil bit in helping drop the RH. So u just gotta do a bit of math and figure out what is gonna be more important. Or just say fuck it and get both. Haha
There are some Mobile A/C units that are capable of both --- I'm not sure if the window units can do both tho. I know my mobile unit can. Look around.

Los Muertos

Active Member
We got something similar and I didn't notice any's obviously doing something as the salt stones are melting away --- or whatever it is they're doing.
You were right on about the Damp Rid thing ww420. There's some water in the bin so it's taken in some moisture, but I haven't noticed more than about a 5% drop in RH.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Nice, make sure it has a hose drain connector on it or you'll be dumping buckets of water every 3 hours.


Active Member
man i got it on in there and its at like 45% but now my temp is up to like 82F :( dude up there somewhere said this would happen. Now i gotta try and battle that shit :( other than an AC unit... what the hell could i do? sigh.... it's turning out to be ALWAYS SOMETHING... damnit...