How long can I do this?


Active Member
Hi all, I just started growing some plants,and im on day 5 now...sadly one just died today :cry:, but it's probly because all I have right now to grow them with is a 150wtt incendesent bulb.Yes I know this is bad, but hopefully today or this weekend I hope to buy some more lights, maybe some 26wtt CFL's (probly 6 for now)or whatever i can find.How long do you think my plant can live off the incendesent bulb? I've also moved it by the window sill with the lamp still hanging over it hopeing to get a bit more light this way.Thanks.



Active Member
hmm..nice my car wont start so I guess I wont be getting lights till next weekend.I really hope she will survie this week.


Well-Known Member
it might. you can already see it stretching for the light, looks pretty light green. And that ain't good. The problem with incadescent lights is the amount of heat compared to the light they put out. But if you prop it up and keep a little air moving you may be able to keep it until you get better light. You will have to baby it for a few weeks after that and maybe you will be able to veg it and go from there. Or you can start some more seeds when you get the light not baby them for a few weeks. End result may be the same.


Active Member
well, were I live I cant really catch a bus but my car is now fixed so possible tomorrow, if i can get a little extra money I will go out and get them.Also I have another question , what will I need to get if I wanna just power the light though a wall outlet, I've never really went shopping for this kinda of stuff.


Well-Known Member
you'll just need a timer and some light fixtures and bulbs. nothing too fancy. make sure that the timer acceps 3 prongs if your light fixtures are 3 pronged.


Well-Known Member
also if i were you i wouldnt go too cheap on the timer, go digital if you can. becuase i forst had a really cheap timer that couldnt keep time for shit.