how long before becoming available in soil

you want things that can become soluble or are already soluble. fish hydrolysate, kelp, and alfalfa were what I used for mine long ago, and after i brewed for like 10 days, i threw in some molasses and EWC and brewed a compost tea for 48 hours and strained it and that was it!
Did u brew the compost tea after words and seperate.. Then add them... Wouldnt it kill or hurt the microbes...
I think i would make two diff types of char if doing that... Id say the only way the tge microbial route will work js if you somewhat precharge the microbial char.. If there is such thing idk... Then added it to a tea... Those nutes leaching into the microbe tea have to hurt it ya know... I mean it wont "hurt" you but its defeating tye purpose
I wish @greasemonkeymann would get on here and show me that info from tim i was telling you... I think you... About... I mean i trust about anything grease tells me.. Not saying u dont lol... He really helped th f out me a couple yrs back
Did u brew the compost tea after words and seperate.. Then add them... Wouldnt it kill or hurt the microbes...

no i brewed the compost tea with the same water i used to activate the char. don't see why the microbes would be affected. the charged surface of the char would have bound most of the free ions in the solution. this was a method that @DonTesla had told me about a while back.
no i brewed the compost tea with the same water i used to activate the char. don't see why the microbes would be affected. the charged surface of the char would have bound most of the free ions in the solution. this was a method that @DonTesla had told me about a while back.
Ok.. Let me see if i understand... You had already charged it with a nute tea.. Then either made a new tea or used the same tea you originally brewd to make a microbial tea.. If so then youre not getting much of a microbial tea... Nute teas ans microbial teas shouldn't be made together...def separate... They are doing two diff things as u know so you shouldn't need to make them together.. I understand why u may want both.. But char charged w nutes... Especially kelp ...has to leach out in that micro and have devastating consequences in the micro tea as far as making one w.o any nutes in compared to one w.o...
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I think the compost route would maybe be good with the char then maybe adding it to a micro tea.. Probably would be good stuff...idk if the char itself would bother anything in the tea.. I doubt it
And if youre saying basically that the char would of been fully charged and not able to hold anything else i dont understand why adding it to a micro tea would benefit... Seems like all it would do is make for a bad micro tea... Not being a wiener or nuttin.. Im just saying...
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A mixture of hardwood... But i sobt have to use it.. I mean i can burn more... I use to know how much to add and what not to add... Isnt black walnut bad for a lot of stuff
Indeed black walnut is toxic to our beautiful plant, I keep hearing not to use hickory lump charcoal BUT I have been using it with excellent results for years before I read some saying not too... I suspect most nut tree wood would be best avoided, my nut tree leaves etc. kill anything that tries to grow under them....
I guess i should of been more specific... I am looking for availability really on most things.. And good shit as always bud... I didnt think a jobes spike would compare to bone meal.. ... Shit.. But im covered on bone meal now that u gave me that info.. Thats gonna be fn neat lol
Jobes spikes are just blood, bone, and feather meal with a proprietary bonding agent. Works as a top dress with the same amendments. Availability will vary greatly from one thing to another which touches on shlubys point that it's hard to say...speculation if you will. I think your reasoning on DIY bone meal is correct in that thicker bones likely are more nutritious albeit harder to smash into tiny bits. I have never introduced bio char or ashes into my grow; I seem to get by without it but fresh EWC from my worm bin makes up for a lot of what may be lacking.
Jobes spikes are just blood, bone, and feather meal with a proprietary bonding agent. Works as a top dress with the same amendments. Availability will vary greatly from one thing to another which touches on shlubys point that it's hard to say...speculation if you will. I think your reasoning on DIY bone meal is correct in that thicker bones likely are more nutritious albeit harder to smash into tiny bits. I have never introduced bio char or ashes into my grow; I seem to get by without it but fresh EWC from my worm bin makes up for a lot of what may be lacking.
Thanks again man.. Ill have to do some research on the bones and get back w you on that... Im def gonna try it... If you ever come across any links or even vids hmu with em please
And if youre saying basically that the char would of been fully charged and not able to hold anything else i dont understand why adding it to a micro tea would benefit... Seems like all it would do is make for a bad micro tea... Not being a wiener or nuttin.. Im just saying...

hey all i know is that the soil mix that i made it with did not demonstrate any nutrient deficiencies which is common with biochar that is not charged enough or at all.

the microbe tea may have been unnecessary... but the point of the tea was to inoculate the char with microbes, there was no intention of charging it farther.

i can't say that the char was fully charged... cause there is no way of knowing that. but i'm sure that it had adsorbed a lot of cations and anions to it.

I think the compost route would maybe be good with the char then maybe adding it to a micro tea.. Probably would be good stuff...idk if the char itself would bother anything in the tea.. I doubt it

there would be no purpose to making a tea with the char in it, because it's already inoculated with microbes from the compost pile. composted char is good to go right into a mix!
Indeed black walnut is toxic to our beautiful plant, I keep hearing not to use hickory lump charcoal BUT I have been using it with excellent results for years before I read some saying not too... I suspect most nut tree wood would be best avoided, my nut tree leaves etc. kill anything that tries to grow under them....
Gold advice...i dont think im gonna cut down an burn any nut trees anyhow so that's good... And ill avoid them if i find any laying around... Ill have to do a lil looking on the best wood to use... There was a thread a while back with info like that on it but who knows what it was
hey all i know is that the soil mix that i made it with did not demonstrate any nutrient deficiencies which is common with biochar that is not charged enough or at all.

the microbe tea may have been unnecessary... but the point of the tea was to inoculate the char with microbes, there was no intention of charging it farther.

i can't say that the char was fully charged... cause there is no way of knowing that. but i'm sure that it had adsorbed a lot of cations and anions to it.

there would be no purpose to making a tea with the char in it, because it's already inoculated with microbes from the compost pile. composted char is good to go right into a mix!
Right.. I assume you wouldnt ever see anything wrong with your mix... All im saying is you will make a much better micobe tea w.o anything like that in it... And i would say sinve u used the nute tea to make it you prob didnt make much of a micro tea... You seem like a very bright person... And with the science backing up what im saying i just thought i would tell you... A lot of ppl make their teas the way u were taking about but its jist a lot smarter and better to do it the way im saying... Nlt saying your dumb.. Ur obviously not... Im just trying to help... I still dont really understand how the char would be inoculated after being charged in the og tea... Im not saying it wouldnt i just dont get it is all
And im not saying the char wouldnt be charged.. Obviously it would after brewing for 10 days in a nute tea... That wasnt the point i was making either
I keep feeling like im sounding like a dick but i swear im not meaning to... I just thought it would be something to think on
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Ok..just to be clear here.. Km seeing conflicting data with what im saying... Like i said i was told by grease..i wont say he is wrong y a long shot... But the data i juat found on tim wilson says he brews his tea with a small amount of kelp and fish hydro... I think i knew the fish hydro was ok... But i dont know how up to date the info posted by these ppl from tim is..maybe what grease told me was found after this data.. Although it says it was from last year on the link i found that doesnt mean the data was that recent of course... So ill have to find a more up to date answer.. Ill see about contacting him and personally seeing so im nkt spreading misinformation... I apologize for not knowing exactly what im talking about but i would still say there is some truth about the kelp and nute deal in the microbe tea
And im not saying the char wouldnt be charged.. Obviously it would after brewing for 10 days in a nute tea... That wasnt the point i was making either

ions and microbes are two completely different things bud. the surface charge takes care of the ions. microbes will living in the porous spaces, and don't have anything to do with the surface charge of the char itself. so they would indeed be able to inoculate the char after its been charged, at least i hypothesize they would :)

I keep feeling like im sounding like a dick but i swear im not meaning to... I just thought it would be something to think on

lol dude don't worry about it. I don't take things personal, we are here to share info, and get down to the nitty gritty of what is more effective! So i appreciate the conversation, and look forward to hearing from your source.
First you need to be aware that all kelp is not equal. Anything processed beyond just dried and powdered kelpmeal is not the best to use. I believe I address the issue with using kelpmeal and it's effects on my webpage and on the discussion forum linked on my page. I no longer use it in a microbial aerated extraction. It is more useful in a botanical tea. It can seriously reduce dissolved oxygen for some unknown ( to me ) reason.

Tim Wilson sent that today... Im reading on his webpage now about the kelp meal... I didnt think it would be an oxygen prob lol.. I was way off
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Honestly i need to start looking at diff websites.. I usually stick to this one because i like actually talking to someone and seeing how they go about things.. But tims website is pretty cool.. The unconventional farmer was a good one but idk what happened to it...