How long before all of the thc out of my system


Well-Known Member
Okay I am sure this has been asked 1000's of times but growing up I was always told a heavy smoker takes 2 weeks to 2 months to piss clean depending on motabalism. Recently I've been hearing about guys taking 3-6 months to piss clean I thought that was crazy but you never know. My question is I am 225lb 5 foot 7 and I am 25 I've been smoking steady since 15 with a few tolerance breaks. Currently i have 2-3 sessions per day with 3 dabs each session of .1-.3 per dab and 2-3joints per week at roughly .4-.6 per g how long am I looking at until I piss clean?
Okay I am sure this has been asked 1000's of times but growing up I was always told a heavy smoker takes 2 weeks to 2 months to piss clean depending on motabalism. Recently I've been hearing about guys taking 3-6 months to piss clean I thought that was crazy but you never know. My question is I am 225lb 5 foot 7 and I am 25 I've been smoking steady since 15 with a few tolerance breaks. Currently i have 2-3 sessions per day with 3 dabs each session of .1-.3 per dab and 2-3joints per week at roughly .4-.6 per g how long am I looking at until I piss clean?
Your looking at least a month. I run 3 to 6 miles and day and do super heavy weights and it takes me about two weeks and all I drink is water. So you have a bit. Also if your more sedentary it’ll take longer.
stop smoking, drinks tons of water, exercise, and buy home drug test to check yourself before whatever big test you have.
or buy fake piss (providing its not a supervised drop)
I have a buddy that drives truck and he swears by drinking apple cider vinegar. He says he can smoke all he wants on weekends and pass a piss test on Monday. I can't remember how much he drinks because it grossed me out; at least a couple glasses I think. I have heard cranberry juice can help too but I have no idea how much of that it takes either.
I wouldn't even consider the possibility of you being clean prior to 28 days however given your size and heavy usage it's probably going to be 5-6 weeks.
When you turn boring, start enjoying work and giving a shit about your life partners latest rant...

Then all the thc is out of your system, one might hope you never get this far but pussy out by all means :-)
Forgot to mention this is for. A tolerance break/health benefits not a job so I don't need to fool. Anyone
Hit the damn sauna/work our EVERY DAY. You’re a big boy and that stuff is stored in your fat cells. Minimum 4 weeks. Drink a fuck ton of water all day every day. Get a test from the pharmacy.
Eat lots of pickles to lol...actually its the vinegar that helps clean out your pee.
In the past I had a pee test. I flooded my system with water till I was peeing every 5 minutes but I also drank some pickle juice..went for the test and I was clean.
Now a days I'm glad I don't have to worry about mj in my pee.
I believe it's different for everybody, the last time I had to take a test, I smoked a week before hand, but I drank a lot of cranberry juice and green tea for a week and passed successfully. A good friend of mine took a month off and failed.
Depends on how long you had been smoking and the test they used plus body fat content
Your looking at least a month. I run 3 to 6 miles and day and do super heavy weights and it takes me about two weeks and all I drink is water. So you have a bit. Also if your more sedentary it’ll take longer.

Sort of...

That 30 day thing that's so commonly quoted..

In reality....That time frame is just getting the blood concentrations down below the Federal dept of Transportation blood concentration limit..
.50 ng/mL3 is the legal cut off.

Any common piss test is set to detect above that limit....

In MI, right now. They have a ZERO blood % measurable limit on THC and driving.....They test for drugs by blood test..... clean for 30 days, you will still get hit with a charge for DUI.

This was done by our lame duck AG and his anti MJ cronies in the state congress......

If you live in MI,, be fucking careful!

30 days IS NOT CLEAN!
Sort of...

That 30 day thing that's so commonly quoted..

In reality....That time frame is just getting the blood concentrations down below the Federal dept of Transportation blood concentration limit..
.50 ng/mL3 is the legal cut off.

Any common piss test is set to detect above that limit....

In MI, right now. They have a ZERO blood % measurable limit on THC and driving.....They test for drugs by blood test..... clean for 30 days, you will still get hit with a charge for DUI.

This was done by our lame duck AG and his anti MJ cronies in the state congress......

If you live in MI,, be fucking careful!

30 days IS NOT CLEAN!
Half life in blood is 8 hrs after a day blood. As for urine though it’s a fickle beast when I was in the military I did the whole urinalysis coordinator thing....I know fun job. I know the mi stuff sucks for driving I live here lol.
Half life in blood is 8 hrs after a day blood. As for urine though it’s a fickle beast when I was in the military I did the whole urinalysis coordinator thing....I know fun job. I know the mi stuff sucks for driving I live here lol.

Me too Bra, Me too...

The coppers know me by rep.....First thing they ask me is "Is it in a locked container for transport?" They know I'm not an all day stoner and that I don't drive under the influence (or they don't care because of the safe in the back or trunk.)
If it's in there, they don't even check the amount anymore.....Just that I have it properly stored for transport by the law.....
I don't bathe after trimming sometimes...Oh the looks you get in a store.....
Once pulled over that way...The first question was "Do I smell pot?" (If they are not familiar with me).. and a wallet full of cards....

Getting tired of the heart palpitations though LMAO....
Me too Bra, Me too...

The coppers know me by rep.....First thing they ask me is "Is it in a locked container for transport?" They know I'm not an all day stoner and that I don't drive under the influence (or they don't care because of the safe in the back or trunk.)
If it's in there, they don't even check the amount anymore.....Just that I have it properly stored for transport by the law.....
I don't bathe after trimming sometimes...Oh the looks you get in a store.....
Once pulled over that way...The first question was "Do I smell pot?" (If they are not familiar with me).. and a wallet full of cards....

Getting tired of the heart palpitations though LMAO....
I'm interested on how things are going to be after December. Who knows though. I never go anywhere if I smoke but I only smoke at night though. An never go out until I clean and change clothes after working with plants lol.
usually takes me 2 - 3 months to piss clean on ebay test strips. i work out quite a bit too.
That seems like a long time if you workout. I run and lift daily and smoke nightly fairly heavy and after a few weeks can pee clean. Are you on the heavier side?
Okay I am sure this has been asked 1000's of times but growing up I was always told a heavy smoker takes 2 weeks to 2 months to piss clean depending on motabalism. Recently I've been hearing about guys taking 3-6 months to piss clean I thought that was crazy but you never know. My question is I am 225lb 5 foot 7 and I am 25 I've been smoking steady since 15 with a few tolerance breaks. Currently i have 2-3 sessions per day with 3 dabs each session of .1-.3 per dab and 2-3joints per week at roughly .4-.6 per g how long am I looking at until I piss clean?
Well I’m a bigger dude and a long time ago I was on probation i smoked all day every day for the first two years of supervision. Out of the blue I was assigned a new officer and they started testing me. Took me six months to piss clean and I tried every flush from the head shop/gnc, Apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice, I drank tons of water. After failing five months in a row I got desperate because I was looking at 25-99 years of my probation was revoked. So me being the amazingly bright 21-22 year old I was at the time I drank a cap of bleach and a ton of water. I finally passed, obviously I would not recommend that to anyone I was in a very bad state of mind and I honestly had quit smoking for so long I just wanted to be left alone. I didn’t smoke again until I was released from probation.
I work in an industry where piss testing is required before employment AND post incident. To this date I have yet to piss positive, and it's been over 8 years. There are TONS of myths that surround this subject and you've really got to approach this using your own common sense with the REAL facts in front of you.

If you are someone with a high BMI such as 28, you will piss positive for a longer period of time compared to someone who is say a 16.
Why is this?
As most people know, the THC is stored in your fat. More fat means more THC that will be stored.
Half the people say to exercise more and you will cleanse your body of the THC. This is true to an extent. Hear me out...
A couple days before your 'exam' DO NOT work out! You absolutely don't want THC to get released into your urine at this point in time.

Cranberry juice? No. This is just a myth. I wont even entertain this one bit.

Herbal THC cleanse kits? Yes, they work BUT only because of 1 reason...the massive amounts of water you are required to drink. All that other junk you consume is merely a placebo.

I was a fairly heavy smoker back in the day. I had 7 days to clean up for a piss test. I passed with flying colors...3 times. I have 2 trains of thoughts on how to pass, both have worked for me. Here they are:

1) For 1 week you need to drink a TON of water. You will want to take a piss 2-3 times per hour. It sucks, it gets old in a hurry, but you MUST do this.
2) NO ALCOHOL. They will work towards dehydrating you. You want to be ridiculously hydrated for 1 week.
3) NO CAFFEINE. See #2
4 a) When it comes to the test, you want just the slightest bit of yellow in your urine. Most tests require more then just water in your piss. If it's inconclusive, you just have to piss again. Your sample will have a bit of THC in it, but not enough to come out positive due to how diluted it will be.
b) Instead of running a highly diluted sample, piss VERY syrup. Why you say? Your body will have no THC flush in your bladder. It will have all gone out in your last few pee's. You will struggle to get to their line on the cup and even be just below it is fine. They will tell you it should be enough, and it is. This sample will contain whatever the hell your body/bladder produces (I'm no doctor) with a small amount of water.

Little long-winded, but I hope it helps.