How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

Only if they have it specifically written in the lease prior to u moving in.
Once your in they are screwed.
Landlords are all over their mps and everyone else because they are trying to fight this.

To the landlord issue they could not evict me it went to landlord tenant here in Alberta they forwarded to Queens Bench special chambers for a hearing. The courts just filed am injunction to prevent me from growing until the case could be heard in Jan ....the landlord just made my life a living hell in the mean time to get me to move
You're right, you don't have to inform the landlord. But, if/when they find out....they have full legal grounds for eviction.
lol JOhnny likes this... of course...and wont understand my meaning lol but

I hear ya Man....but as its been said..
if its not in the lease or agreement ...they are helpless to do anything..
Gotta LOVE THE MMAR eh folks (:
To the landlord issue they could not evict me it went to landlord tenant here in Alberta they forwarded to Queens Bench special chambers for a hearing. The courts just filed am injunction to prevent me from growing until the case could be heard in Jan ....the landlord just made my life a living hell in the mean time to get me to move
that SUCKS!!
lol JOhnny likes this... of course...and wont understand my meaning lol but

I hear ya Man....but as its been said..
if its not in the lease or agreement ...they are helpless to do anything..
Gotta LOVE THE MMAR eh folks (:

I'm just being the devils advocate here. It doesn't have to written in the lease. Without access to adequate insurance coverage to cover MMJ, the landlords will fight this in court..and they will win. The courts with be inundated with appeals of these evictions until insurance companies get on board, or are forced to issue coverage by the Gov (ie: UBER drivers).
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To the landlord issue they could not evict me it went to landlord tenant here in Alberta they forwarded to Queens Bench special chambers for a hearing. The courts just filed am injunction to prevent me from growing until the case could be heard in Jan ....the landlord just made my life a living hell in the mean time to get me to move

No offence, but it I'm sure this is a living hell for the landlord as well. He could be facing losing insurance coverage on the entire rental unit(s), not to mention losing their livelihood.
I'm not saying it's right, it's just I see where landords are coming from. The Gov has left everyone in a precarious situation.
I'm just being the devils advocate here. It doesn't have to written in the lease. Without access to adequate insurance coverage to cover MMJ, the landlords will fight this in court..and they will win. The courts with be inundated with appeals of these evictions until insurance companies get on board, or are forced to issue coverage by the Gov (ie: UBER drivers).
sure would be easier with INS companies jumping onboard!

Lets start I can get backers...
sure would be easier with INS companies jumping onboard!

Lets start I can get backers...
You'd still need underwriters to issue coverage, that's the problem.
sure would be easier with INS companies jumping onboard!

Lets start I can get backers...

My broker (and others I'm sure) are pitching that very idea to a couple of different underwriters right now. A company that offers complete homeowners policies, specific for MMJ/MJ standard rates. You'd think they'd jump at the cash cow?!?! The Ontario market alone has a potential worth of $90M/year (based on last available MMAR data). We all know insurance co's are all about's baffling why they are still shy to the homegrown MMJ, let alone future Rec home grows in 365 days???
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I have my own insurance that covers my grow and any liabilities associated with it....cost me 100 bucks a month
I'm talking real, standard homeowners policies. I know there is very limited coverage available via LMG in BC...but the price is 2x more expensive than a standard homeowners policy. And, because their coverage is so limited, you'd still be FUBAR with a total loss.
My ACMPR renewal papers arrived in the mail today. It took Health Canada 12 weeks exactly from the time they received the paperwork via registered mail back at the end of April. After eight weeks I started complaining to my Member of Parliament ( a Liberal Cabinet Minister ). Many phone calls and emails led to emails back and forth with the Office of Medical Cannabis at Health Canada. I am convinced that these are the same dumbfucks who ran the MMAR programme. Nothing has changed for the better. In fact, my experience is that it has gotten worse. None of them could run an ice cream stand and make a buck. Losers.
my script expired be for my ppl came in.....sent the new script on the 11 :s till then I am a paperwork criminal because I can't afford my meds.....
Today, out of pure curiosity I decided to waste some time calling HC as I had nothing better to do. It has been a month since I sent in my paper work. I was expecting to wait on the phone for hours as others have but it rang once and I got a very nice lady that told me my letter was received on June 19th and that it was opened on June 21st. The application was then checked and passed for correctness on June 26th and is currently in processing. She said that she cannot give an exact time line for the processing but she did say they hired more people to speed up processing times, whatever that means.

At this point I thanked her and hung up. I did originally phone to raise a little shit but the lady was so nice and they did open and check it already so I didn't want to be an ass with her. The whole phone call kinda caught me off guard as I was expecting pretty much the complete opposite of what I actually got from calling HC.
yea, getting through on the phone to Health Canada's Cannabis division now is pretty fast (almost immediate).
But once they've sent your application for "processing" that's the last update they'll have for you.

After Health Canada received and checked for errors/omissions, my application went into "processing" April 20th
I've phoned every 2 weeks since then for updates, and all I get it "It's in processing"

crossing fingers for some news soon