How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

nothing to say but names... lol
cheap seat comment from the ones that got butt hurt ..
as usual...from people who actually think they grasp the deal.

enjoy your swab tests. (:
Hi I just would like to apologize to the group here...
I did not intend to infer that growing in a 4x4 tent was an inferior way of growing or that
anyone could not treat themselves with a grow from a 4x4 tent..
i was more thinking along the lines me being able to fit my grow in that area along with
my big ass...both would be damn near impossible ...
I would have come to try and explain this sooner...but I have been away for a couple of days...
Also Intended to mean my grow and myself would require a caravan(see meaning) of tents
for me to complete a cycle...again a joke...

  1. (n.) A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. through deserts and countries infested by robbers or hostile tribes, as in Asia or Africa.
  2. (n.) A large, covered wagon, or a train of such wagons, for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition; an itinerant show, as of wild beasts.
  3. (n.) A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; -- sometimes shorted into van.
Train, Van,

• Caravansaries

  1. (pl. ) of Caravansary
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I'd love to have a large grow area but much like many here, we make due with what we can. A few years ago a 4x4 grow space seemed unimaginable to me based on where I lived. But hoping they speed up the applications for people. Really it just needs to go back to court & have the whole bureaucratic process removed from interfering to just do what we're entitled to do.
Hi I just would like to apologize to the group here...
I did not intend to infer that growing in a 4x4 tent was an inferior way of growing or that
anyone could not treat themselves with a grow from a 4x4 tent..
i was more thinking along the lines me being able to fit my grow in that area along with
my big ass...both would be damn near impossible ...
I would have come to try and explain this sooner...but I have been away for a couple of days...
Also Intended to mean my grow and myself would require a caravan(see meaning) of tents
for me to complete a cycle...again a joke...

  1. (n.) A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. through deserts and countries infested by robbers or hostile tribes, as in Asia or Africa.
  2. (n.) A large, covered wagon, or a train of such wagons, for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition; an itinerant show, as of wild beasts.
  3. (n.) A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; -- sometimes shorted into van.
Train, Van,

• Caravansaries

  1. (pl. ) of Caravansary
x 2

didn't want to explain it ... just figured Id let em do it all by themselves.

still cant ingest or produce GRAMS a day with a small set up as such...
plain and simple FACT!

dummy up folks!

No w maybe if you had a few of them... giant pain in the ass...
Apparently taking a gram of oil everyday turns you into a monster, or at least troll. Not that surprising really. Probably 90% of the lipids in his body are cannabinoids at this point. I give him credit for staying awake long enough to write posts though. When you get up to needing a gram to feel anything you know it's time to take a week off and start over again without the tolerance, or actually probably a month off, since it takes that long to clear it out..
Apparently taking a gram of oil everyday turns you into a monster, or at least troll. Not that surprising really. Probably 90% of the lipids in his body are cannabinoids at this point. I give him credit for staying awake long enough to write posts though. When you get up to needing a gram to feel anything you know it's time to take a week off and start over again without the tolerance, or actually probably a month off, since it takes that long to clear it out..

exactly the opposite actually (: keeps ya sharp as a tac.

Smoking to much slows ya down and it shows well with your ideas.

take a week off from cancer... LMAOROTFF

Brilliant :idea: :dunce: :confused::roll:

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exactly the opposite actually (: keeps ya sharp as a tac.

Smoking to much slows ya down and it shows well with your ideas.

take a week off from cancer... LMAOROTFF

Brilliant :idea: :dunce: :confused::roll:

You just seemed like you were in a negative headspace somehow. Guess having cancer could make you cranky.
Anybody try caryophyllene yet? It's a much stronger CB2 agonist than CBD or THC, reasonably priced too. You'd have to investigate dosage. I saw 400 mg mentioned in one page. No toxicity problems or anything. Just make caryophyllene cookies I guess. Might actually be tasty. Or could taste like hell, I don't know.
not looking to block receptors like you are thinking,,,rather help them make you better.

never stop at a gram a day..keep it going until you see results
there is no effect once up to speed ...
Anybody try caryophyllene yet? It's a much stronger CB2 agonist than CBD or THC

Hold on, it is a selective agonist and I do not think gb123 is looking for anti-anxiety or anti-depression effects. If you are battling cancer or PTSD you need THC, and lots of it. THC trigger apoptosis in tumor cells, meaning they actually die. CBD has been shown to do the same and is used to treat cancer in children.
That's about 400 grams for an 80 kg man. I haven't tried it yet. I would have to order it in. Sometime I probably will though.
LD50 (Lethal Dose): >5g/kg for rats (Compare to Nicotine: for rats – 50 mg/kg, for humans – 0.5-1 mg/kg)
How did it work for you???

Cannabis has no. LD50

Everything has an LD50, the fact that no one has taken the time to figure out what that astronomical amount is for cannabis does not mean it doesn't exist (it will also likely heavily vary plant to plant). My guess is that it would be the lowest LD50 of one of the many terpenes found in it. A lot of people like to spout off an LD50 of 1500lbs but that is not actually based on science, it is simply what a judge in the states said once during a ruling, I would be interested in finding out a real answer to the question due to my own curiosity more than anything else.
Everything has an LD50, the fact that no one has taken the time to figure out what that astronomical amount is for cannabis does not mean it doesn't exist (it will also likely heavily vary plant to plant). My guess is that it would be the lowest LD50 of one of the many terpenes found in it. A lot of people like to spout off an LD50 of 1500lbs but that is not actually based on science, it is simply what a judge in the states said once during a ruling, I would be interested in finding out a real answer to the question due to my own curiosity more than anything else.

You gonna volunteer to be the test subject? It'll make you famous. :D
Everything has an LD50, the fact that no one has taken the time to figure out what that astronomical amount is for cannabis does not mean it doesn't exist (it will also likely heavily vary plant to plant). My guess is that it would be the lowest LD50 of one of the many terpenes found in it. A lot of people like to spout off an LD50 of 1500lbs but that is not actually based on science, it is simply what a judge in the states said once during a ruling, I would be interested in finding out a real answer to the question due to my own curiosity more than anything else.
The estimated LD-50 (lethal threshold) for marijuana,established in 1988 by the DEA’s appropriate fact-finder, is 1:20,000 or 1:40,000.


At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.

Page 1

Note: In Judge Young’s report cannabis is referred to as marijuana

Drug Enforcement Administration
In The Matter Of
Docket No. 86-22
Administrative LAW JUDGE.
FRANCIS L. YOUNG, Administrative Law Judge
DATED: SEP 6 1988

FRANCIS L. YOUNG, Administrative Law Judge


Part VIII.


With respect to whether or not there is “a lack of accepted safety
for use of [marijuana] under medical supervision”, the record shows the
following facts to be uncontroverted.

Findings of Fact

Point 3. The most obvious concern when dealing with drug
safety is the possibility of lethal effects. Can the drug
cause death?
4. Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal
effects. But marijuana is not such a substance. There is no
record in the extensive medical literature describing a
proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality.
5. This is a remarkable statement. First, the record on
marijuana encompasses 5,000 years of human experience.
Second, marijuana is now used daily by enormous numbers of
people throughout the world. Estimates suggest that from
twenty million to fifty million Americans routinely, albeit
illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct
medical supervision. Yet, despite this long history of use

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and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers,
there are simply no credible medical reports to suggest
that consuming marijuana has caused a single death.
6. By contrast aspirin, a commonly used, over-the-counter
medicine, causes hundreds of deaths each year.
7. Drugs used in medicine are routinely given what is
called an LD-50. The LD-50 rating indicates at what dosage
fifty percent of test animals receiving a drug will die as
a result of drug induced toxicity. A number of researchers
have attempted to determine marijuana’s LD-50 rating in
test animals, without success. Simply stated, researchers
have been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce
8. At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is
or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in
order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to
consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is
contained in onemarijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied
marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker
would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of
marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal

9. In practical terms, marijuana cannot induce a lethal
response as a result of drug-related toxicity.
10. Another common medical way to determine drug safety is
called the therapeutic ratio. This ratio defines the
difference between a therapeutically effective dose and a
dose which is capable of inducing adverse effects.
11. A commonly used over-the-counter product like aspirin
has a therapeutic ratio of around 1:20. Two aspirins are
the recommended dose for adult patients. Twenty times this
dose, forty aspirins, may cause a lethal reaction in some
patients, and will almost certainly cause gross injury to
the digestive system, including extensive internal
12. The therapeutic ratio for prescribed drugs is commonly
around 1:10 or lower. Valium, a commonly used prescriptive
drug, may cause very serious biological damage if patients
use ten times the recommended (therapeutic) dose.
13. There are, of course, prescriptive drugs which have
much lower therapeutic ratios. Many of the drugs used to
treat patients with cancer, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis
are highly toxic. The therapeutic ratio of some of the
drugs used in antineoplastic therapies, for example, are
regarded as extremely toxic poisons with therapeutic ratios

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that may fall below 1:1.5. These drugs also have very low
LD-50 ratios and can result in toxic, even lethal
reactions, while being properly employed.
14. By contrast, marijuana’s therapeutic ratio, like its
LD-50, is impossible to quantify because it is so high.
15. In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than
many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating ten raw
potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it
is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce
16. Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest
therapeutically active substances known to man. By any
measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used
within a supervised routine of medical care.”
It's because THC is only a partial CB1 agonist. Lots of people have died from full agonist synthetics, meaning the "spice" type drugs. I don't know about CB2 full agonists being deadly, probably not, since caryophyllene has a very low toxicity. The CB2 receptors are almost all in immune system cells, so not that much bad could happen aside from reduced immunity I suppose.