how long after 12/12 can a male pollenate a female?


Active Member
its day 2 on 12/12 and i'm already starting to see pistils on some of the females....

plan was to wait until the 5th day (my day off) to go through em all, and remove the males. there is no way a male pollen sack can explode and turn my females into hermi's after only 5 days flowering is there?


New Member
from my research and not experience as I never had a male: It takes 10 days on average for the balls to form but the balls can pop in only hours after forming and pollinate your room..In your situation it is highly unlikely this would happen in only the first 5 days of flowering...It would not turn the females to hermis this is not how hermies are created it would simply polinate your buds but again highly unlikely...and if it did happen you would still only get few seeds as the buds are still forming.