How late into veg can you start LST and or top/FIM'??


So this is my first time growing and I was just wondering if there is a point in vegetative growth that may be to late to start LST and/or to top/FIM your plant?? I'm around day 45 or so and my plant is around 7 - 8 inches, has not shown sex and it has about 7 nodes/sets of leaves off the main stem. Just wondering if complications can arise if you start too late or if there is a too late. I'll post a couple pics and I guess you guys could tell me if I should start or do LST, top, FIM. Thanks! Sorry for the flipped view...I can't seem to upload without it doing that : /

image (16).jpgphoto (10).jpg

Oh and it's night time so it's lookin a little droopy.


Well-Known Member
You can LST and/or top any time you want during vegetative growth. Might want to do whatever you want to do at least a week or so before starting 12/12 and the coming stretch though.


Ok cool. I'm actually doing 12/12 from seed but sounds good. What would be best do you think? Sorry I'm a noob...just looking for suggestions lol


New Member
Your outcome will not be so good. if 12/12 from seed. a couple grams is nice but wont pay you back for your electricity. next time veg at least 18 hours.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
You can lst during flower as well. If it were mine I would fim it now to get it to bush out some.


Ya I figured it wouldn't yield too much but I've seen some pretty good 12/12 from seed grows : / This is more of an experimental grow to see how it goes before I invest in supplies/seeds. This was just a bag seed of some dank so we'll see I guess.