How keep algae and bacteria from growing in your water tank?

Destroyer of chairs

Well-Known Member
I have a 600L tank of pure water for mixing. Noticed biofilm on the surface. Thinking of mixing in pool shock but worry how long it takes for levels to drop, considering I don't have anything stirring up the water.
Is there light getting in?
If you get light you'll get algae, paint your tank black, cover it in plastic, you must make it 97%+ light tight, std levels of chlorine are sufficient to keep it clean if we're taking tap/municipal water. .
Is there light getting in?
If you get light you'll get algae, paint your tank black, cover it in plastic, you must make it 97%+ light tight, std levels of chlorine are sufficient to keep it clean if we're taking tap/municipal water. .
I'm using a soft plastic packable water tank, if that makes any sense. Can take pictures and check if walls are light proof later today when I'm in there. There is a sort of vent on top which I first taped shut(light proofing) but then removed cause wasn't sure if it needed fresh air.

So u think I could do it with only chlorine, no pumps of any sort?

How many ppm are we talking? There is none in the tap where I live.
I'm using a soft plastic packable water tank, if that makes any sense. Can take pictures and check if walls are light proof later today when I'm in there. There is a sort of vent on top which I first taped shut(light proofing) but then removed cause wasn't sure if it needed fresh air.

So u think I could do it with only chlorine, no pumps of any sort?

How many ppm are we talking? There is none in the tap where I live.
To give you idea of how sensitive it is, my perlite was going green under white 2 ply corex lids, if it's light tight you shouldn't get any trouble with anything growing.

Re Chlorine ppm I really don't know tbh but it won't be difficult to find out with Google.
A small pump to keep things curculating wouldn't go wrong but there's no need at this point for uv lighting, light tight and 1ppm chlorine should keep it right with minimal fuss.

Try it, fill a small plastic bottle and a light tight bottle/vessel and give them a week on the windowsill you'll have your answer thumbs
Pool shock or Physan 20 would probably be your best long you're not using the water in a "live" system - though I'm unsure of mixing rates and I'm too stoned for maff :eyesmoke:

And dont forget temps are crucial to keep the nasties at bay
you'd have to look at teh specs of the uv light as to how many gallons/ area it would handle. i've personally never used one but they would keep it sterile.
I've used this one during the hotter months, (I have fusarium paranoia) though I think the OP needs it for a holding tank so not sure if this is a viable option

1ppm chlorine would probably be enough butyou are talking about adding it 3x a week.
Let's talk something u've tried
I can add it every other day right after feeding time I don't mind that, if i can have a chlorine solution ready mixed in a bottle and drop a shot in quick and easy. Will it decay/be less potent over time?

Do I need a pump to mix the pool shock in or will it mix and evaporate by itself within couple days? The evaporating part is still a bit Greek to me.
I've used this one during the hotter months, (I have fusarium paranoia) though I think the OP needs it for a holding tank so not sure if this is a viable option

Yeah I found similar products when searching the topic earlier. I wanna go the easy, functioning, low cost route.
Pool shock or Physan 20 would probably be your best long you're not using the water in a "live" system - though I'm unsure of mixing rates and I'm too stoned for maff :eyesmoke:

And dont forget temps are crucial to keep the nasties at bay
Can't do anything about water temps they are what they are for now. Though I am using bennies and myko in my coco/perlite mix. But if I use a small amount, would it evaporate within two days?
Yeah I found similar products when searching the topic earlier. I wanna go the easy, functioning, low cost route.

Can't do anything about water temps they are what they are for now. Though I am using bennies and myko in my coco/perlite mix. But if I use a small amount, would it evaporate within two days?
I've read of growers using a Physan20 as a drench for Pythium and fusarium and then they re-inoculate on the next watering but I've never done this myself. It sounds like a delicate balancing act.

Maybe an easier route would be to cut with some tap water that contains chlorine and chloramines? I've done this with my RO water and it works well but you said your tap doesnt contain these?
Though I am using bennies and myko in my coco/perlite mix. But if I use a small amount, would it evaporate within two days?
you are gonna be guessing every time with chlorine vs bennies. if the chlorine is still present in enought amount, it will kill your bennies.
uv light would still be the best option IMO. unless you want to invest in a chlorine meter.
I've read of growers using a Physan20 as a drench for Pythium and fusarium and then they re-inoculate on the next watering but I've never done this myself. It sounds like a delicate balancing act.

Maybe an easier route would be to cut with some tap water that contains chlorine and chloramines? I've done this with my RO water and it works well but you said your tap doesnt contain these?
Tap is EC 0.07 (30-50ppm?) and contains no chlorine or chloramines.

I just thought maybe the pool shock evaporated fast enough that there would be a 100% safe dose I could use. Thought if chlorine were present every other day that would maybe be enough.