How is the Yield of an Indoor Plant Measured??


Active Member
People should start thinking about a comparison between grams and energy. "Watts" doesn't say very much, and you should be looking at how many "Watt-hours" (a unit of energy) per gram. 1000 Watts for an hour is 1000 watt-hours. 18 hours a day for 30 days, plus 12 hours a day for 60 more days.. Is how much energy? 1,260,000 watt-hours. Divide that by how many grams you get, and you know how much energy was needed to produce one gram. This will give you an idea on energy efficiency, which I think is what people are after. Lets say you get 16 ounces, or 454 grams.. then thats 2775 watt-hours per gram. Now, you know exactly how much you pay for electricity, and its probably in the kilowatt-hours.. Just factor it in.

Dank Hands

Active Member
I agree, thats how it would be in a perfect world. Its just too difficult of a formula for the average person to care to calculate.


yep thats why i say learn learn learn your strain is all you have to do that other ish dont matter gram a watt or 300psm or any is for the birds learn your setup learn your strain and feed off of that like my setup produces 1 pound every two months useing ebbandflow co2 and a strict nute line up ppms and ph is the key and im out


theres many factors when dealing with this but mostly its in sog and per m2 square like lam says knowing your strain
i myself pull alot higher yields per plant then most do nothing like getting 4 - 6 pounds per 4 plants :))
wow 4to6 pounds from 4 plants what are u outdoor growing or what thats a big yield


Active Member
gram per watt is a great measurement. Each different wattage of light produces a different amount of lumens (we all know this). And what does light do for plants? Photosynthesis, which is breaking the light down into food for the plant. So the bigger the wattage of the light, the more food to be processed for the plant. This is where the efficiency comes into play. You can have two grows with the same lights and if one produces more, it was more efficient with the power. It was able to uptake nutrients at a faster rate. We all strive for optimum growth. Like when using c02, you can let the room temp get up to 85-90 degrees no proplem. The plants start breathing faster and as long as the c02 supplementation is there an increased growth rate occurs. This is why people use hydro too. Anything that you can do to advance the growth rate. No matter what you only have 2 months to bud that plant so you need maximum growth eficiency during that time.

An example, I have 4 plants under 3 600w lights. You must cover every square inch of your canopy. I top/bend/tie. Each plants canopy is a minimum of 2x2 (4sqft). There are an average of 30-40 cola buds per plant. Avg cola bud 7-10grams. So at least .5lbs to .75lbs comes from just the tip buds that I take out, I leave the lower buds for 4-5 days with the light still going and get another couple oz per plant.

But no matter how they are measuring it, it all come down to plant growth. How fast can it grow during the flower phase. I wouldnt use the watt hours as time can be different for every grow. You need baslines, variables that do not change...watt...square meter, each grow can have different hours becasue of genetics, but you cannot change a watt or meter.


Active Member
gram per watt is a great measurement. Each different wattage of light produces a different amount of lumens (we all know this). And what does light do for plants? Photosynthesis, which is breaking the light down into food for the plant. So the bigger the wattage of the light, the more food to be processed for the plant. This is where the efficiency comes into play. You can have two grows with the same lights and if one produces more, it was more efficient with the power. It was able to uptake nutrients at a faster rate. We all strive for optimum growth. Like when using c02, you can let the room temp get up to 85-90 degrees no proplem. The plants start breathing faster and as long as the c02 supplementation is there an increased growth rate occurs. This is why people use hydro too. Anything that you can do to advance the growth rate. No matter what you only have 2 months to bud that plant so you need maximum growth eficiency during that time.

An example, I have 4 plants under 3 600w lights. You must cover every square inch of your canopy. I top/bend/tie. Each plants canopy is a minimum of 2x2 (4sqft). There are an average of 30-40 cola buds per plant. Avg cola bud 7-10grams. So at least .5lbs to .75lbs comes from just the tip buds that I take out, I leave the lower buds for 4-5 days with the light still going and get another couple oz per plant.

But no matter how they are measuring it, it all come down to plant growth. How fast can it grow during the flower phase. I wouldnt use the watt hours as time can be different for every grow. You need baslines, variables that do not change...watt...square meter, each grow can have different hours becasue of genetics, but you cannot change a watt or meter.

Money is a unit of energy. How many watts you have on for how long is a unit of energy. Some people like 18 hrs veg, some like 20 hrs veg, some 24.. If you knew how much $$$ you spent in electricity vs how many grams you got out of it, you have a cost comparison so you can try to be more efficient with your use of electricity. That makes more sense than just expecting so much because you have a 600W bulb. "Watt-Hours", not Watts. Watts really doesn't mean much unless more information is provided.

For example, I run around 500W for 12 hours, but I also run 250W for 6 hours.. So, for 3 hours its 500W, for 6 hours its 750W, and for the last 3 hours, another 500W. How do you expect to add that up unless its in Watt-Hours?


Well-Known Member
James has a good point watt-hours captures way more information, enough to do a real cost calculation. GPW could be skewed by odd times, has no standard veg, flower times, however it is nice and easy and a good rough guide. If you are consistant with your other factors them a GPW comparison between 2 grows in the same room would be fine other than that....if you smoke a dub it will make it seem more scientific....



Well-Known Member
ok so....

8x32w T8's on 18/6 for 4 weeks & 12/12 for 9wks = 1260hr @ 256W or 322Kw\Hr
plus pumps and fans..

aprox 70W max * 13wks = 1178hr @ 70W or 82Kw\Hr

404Kw/h * $0.12 (bill is so complicated i guestimated..) = $48.50

$48.50 plus nutes $10 = $58.50 / 4oz or 112g = $0.52 a gram I can live with that.... .43GPW doesn't seem great...but 52 cents a gram is good if you ask me...

$58.50 / 4 grams of kick ass hash (seriously) = $14 a gram for has which is actually still good here...and it's better than any of the shit being sold

So basically the 4 grams of hash paid for my QP... :)

I reuse my hydroton and net pots...and rubbermaids...water is pretty if you consider my intial investments for lights and nutes and meters tubing etc...paid for by now...on my 6-7 th grow.

That's how i calculate it...if you wante to get real picky..labour could be considered which about triples the cost....but i like doing most of it..some of the clean up and trimming can be a pain but not enough to pay someone to do it for me....

So who wants to buy a gram for 65 cents... 10%



Active Member
... 322Kw\Hr ... 82Kw\Hr ...
kW-H not Kw\Hr. It might make more sense to people when they know its not "per hour" but is in terms of hours. And see, you're not sure how good .43 GPW is, but $0.52 per gram is meaningful! Just wait until the price of pot drops everywhere because nobody can sell because everybody is growing..


New Member
To answer your question Jabba, it is grams per meter squared of plant area.
But as previously mentioned, it's only a baseline of growth potential for that particular strain, whether done by sog, scrog, or a single plant.
As you know, not all cannabis strains grow the same, some grow bushy (good for scrog), some grow with limited branching with big main cola's (good for sog) etc.

The most important thing is to choose the type of grow technique that best suits you, then you can figure out the best strain for that technique.
With time and experience you will perfect your grow for optimum results.
Personally, I've always favored quality over quantity (to a certain extent of course) but everyone is different.

Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by silverserf
... 322Kw\Hr ... 82Kw\Hr ...

kW-H not Kw\Hr. It might make more sense to people when they know its not "per hour" but is in terms of hours. And see, you're not sure how good .43 GPW is, but $0.52 per gram is meaningful! Just wait until the price of pot drops everywhere because nobody can sell because everybody is growing..​

My fault i knew it was wrong but couldn't be bothered to look up the right abreviations...was pretty buzzed and quite honestly i'm suprised your reply wasn't more along the lines of 2+4 equals 6 not 42....

It's been a long time since i studied electricity....
